Chapter 27

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November 16
10:30 a.m

Chan's POV

I was in my office with Jisuug in a chair in front of me. "Chan, I'm getting more scared each day," Jisung voice was shaking.

I set down the papers I was holding and looked at Jisuug. He was angry and frightened when the news went around saying that Jeongin was missing. "Listen Ji, we all are, but what are we supposed to do?"

"I... I don't know. Maybe we can asked some gangs," he suggested.
"Jisung, it doesn't work like that. We have enemies looking forward to killing us. Besides the police are doing everything they can." I reasoned with him, but he didn't care about anything I just told him.

"Ig they were looking for him, they would have found him by now. He's a half power he can't just vanish in thin air," Jisungs voice began to get loaded. "Minho seems like he doesn't even care that his best friend is missing. I mean, last time you talked to him was like two days ago."

I scoffed at him. "You're getting on my nerves. Hoow about you just take a walk, huh. Might as well just search on him yourself, because since the police aren't doing anything, I'm sure you could find something!" I sighed and massaged my temples.
"Just get out, and come back when you're calm."

Jisung got out the chair making it fall down. He cursed under his breath as he walked out the door slamming it. 'Where is Minho.
I haven't heard form him in a while, maybe he's working or threatening people to give him Jeongin.' I pulled out my phone and began to call him.


"Pick up."



"He's not going to pick up."

"Hey it's Minho, I'm probably busy right now or I just don't want to talk to you. You can leave a voice mail, if not call later. THAT DOESN'T GO IN THE MICROWAVE-!"



               💙Honey Min💙

Me: how are you?

Me: are you okay?

Me: sorry, anyway I haven't heard from you.

Me: I'm just worried

2 minutes later

💙Honey Min💙: typing..

💙Honey Min💙:


"Are you kidding me," I shouted.
"He was typing, so why the heck didn't it send." The door opened to reveal Changlix. They both gave me a worried look.

"You good," Felix raised a eyebrow. I took a deep breath and gave a bitter smile.

"Have you guys heard from Minho, or any of the other guys?" I questioned them.

"Um... no, but I do know that Woojin, Seungmin, and Minho have been together for the past days," Changbin said.

Felix put his hand up about to slap Changbin, but stopped himself. "You're becoming a stalker, you stalker. How to you even now this?"

"Oh, he have people, buthe they aren't stalking them. They just happened to run into then."

'What are they up too? Are they hiding something.' I sighed in frustration. "Anyway, Felix you have any information about Jeongin?" Felix nodded then ran out of my office. "Are you going to tell us," I mumbled.

Changbin took a seat and began to play with a pen. Felix ran back in with his computer. "I just start talking," Felix began. "Okay so, Jeongin has been missing two days, as we know. I tried my best to hack in to the police system, but I couldn't get for. So far the lead suspects are 3racha and an ex boyfriend, named James."

"James," Changbin repeated.

"Yes, James moved to Korea from to Europe. Turns out he was not that good to Jeongin, and began bitter when they ended the relationship." Felix brushed it off as if I was no big deal.

"Where could Jeongin be?"


Jeongin's POV

"Here." I was thrown a plastic bag to the face. I didn't know exactly where I was, all I knew was that I was in a Warehouse chained by my feet. The guy who through me the bag, was someone I never knew in my entire life. I have tried my best to stay calm, but how can I when I know anything can happen to me. "Are you just going to starve yourself. Eh, might as well, less work for me."

"I just want to go home! What do you have against me!" I shouted at him. He gave me a pity look that slowly turned into a grin.

"I have nothing against you, but with some of you're friends."

"What are you talking about? They are just normal people."

"I'm guessing they tell you nothing. You see this–," the guy pulled up his sleeve showing some scars on his arms. "–because of them I have these. Let me tell you it hurt like hell when your boyfriend stuck in his dagger."

I looked at the scars then at him in disbelief. "You're crazy," I spat.

"Believe what you want kid. If you don't mind I have a meeting with 3racha."


Ookaaay! So, Stray Kids 'Side Effects' is stuck in my head, especially Woojin's and Seungmin's voices. I... Am Dead!

Anyway, I have been saying 'anyway' to much. Mostly because that's how I get myself to think about negative stuff. For example: "Why can people be so mean, anyway dogs."

I got frustrated when my sibling was watching Naruto, because Naruto was so freaking stubborn. I ended up yelling at the TV, so that's fun. I'm not sure is anyone is reading this, but if are thank you. This is helping with all the thoughts in my head.



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