Chapter 23

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November 10
8:00 p.m

Minho's POV

I was in my room with Seungmin and Woojin watching an action movie on my computer. We we lying down on our stomachs. I was in the middle of both of them. "Are you kidding me!" Seungmin yelled when his favorite character died. "I loved that guy."

"Seungmin that guy was evil." Woojin said.

"Choke on a stick Woojin. That guy was hot!"

I was about to say something when the door bell rang. "I'll be right back," I told them. I to climb over Seungmin to get off the bed.

I walked to the door and opened it. Chan walked in and gave me a small kiss on the lips. "I brought you guys ice cream and cookies. Since you said to bring these or don't come over at all." He handed me the bag, and then went to my room.

"CHAN GET OUT!" Seungmin whined.

"Stop being rude!" Woojin yelled at Seungmin. I shook my head as I walked to the kitchen. I opened a drawer hold out four spoons.

I walked in my room and closed the door. Chan was lying on the floor with Dori on his chest. I smiled at them. I looked over to the Kim's. "What did I miss?" I asked.

"Do you have the stuff?" Seungmin said sitting up.

"Seungmin, I know that you are a drug addict, but stop asking me for drugs! Hyunjin is very worried." I told him.

"I don't do drugs, for the last time!"

I threw them the bag and spoon. I was about to go back on my bed when I felt Chan grab my ankle to stop me. I looked down and him and sighed. I lyed beside him and watched as he played with Dori.

"Just put on that movie." Woojin said.

"A horror movie?" Seungmin sounded unsure.

"What's new?" I asked Chan.

"Well Felix and Changbin are celebrating their one year anniversary." Chan answered. "What's new with you," Chan questioned back.

"Um... you remember Quinn," I began.

Chan turned his head to look at me. "Ugh, why her!" He complained. I patted his head and then looked at Woojin.

"Woojin, pass me my phone."

Woojin tossed me my phone and I turned it on. "New lock screen." Chan pointed out.


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"Yup." I responded.

"What's your home screen?" He asked.

I unlocked my phone to reveal a picture of Chan and I.

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