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Xuimen POV

"God I hate long plane rides." I thought to myself as the fifth hour rolled around. I sat back in my seat, observing my surroundings when the woman behind me placed her hand on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry to bother you." Her soft voice spoke out from the shroud of the chair. "It's a bit crowded do you mind sitting up a little?" She politely asked as I bowed to her and smiled.

I turned around in my chair and looked into her sweet chocolate eyes "I apologize for the intrusion I didn't realize I was so close to your beautiful legs," I said, gawking at her beautifully toned legs causing her to blush. "I'm Xuimen, it's nice to meet another Korean on this long flight," I said reminiscing about when I would finally make it home.

She let out a haughty laugh as she cutely twisted her lips. "I know, right. I hate the 11 hours from Brazil to London but knowing you are on here with me makes the trip worthwhile" she said as she leaned down and placed her face near mine.

"Business or Pleasure?" I flirtatiously questioned as I placed my hand on her knee.

"A little bit of both I assume." She giggled as she clasped her hands together between her legs. I showed an intrigued look on my face and nodded when she sat back into her seat and stretched posture, revealing the white bra underneath her shirt. Noticing I had been staring a little bit too hard a slight smirk grew on her face before she took the first button of her blouse into her fingertips.

My eyes grew wide as I anticipated with bated breath and began to lick my lips at the thought of her delicious olive breasts. "Well, how did you enjoy Brazil? Was it your first time going?" I thickly swallowed, trying to make conversation with her as I watched her unclasp her buttons. "It's so hot!" She whispered while she ran her tongue over her tan colored lips and slid her finger down between her breasts.

I looked around the economy cabin trying to see if anyone noticed the woman undressing as I began to feel the dick harden it my pants. My breathing hitched as I hurriedly turned my body back around and closed my eyes from the temptation that just befell me. "Don't you want me, detective?" She questioned seductively as a pale hand reached around my seat, landing on my arm.

"Ho ...How does she know what I do?" I thought to myself as I opened my eyes in fright and tried to squirm out of her grip on my arm. I cautiously peeked around the chair, noticing that the sweet features of the beautiful Korean woman had drastically changed into something monstrous. Her long blonde strands clung to the sweat on her body while her light green eyes stared into my soul. Her torso lay uncovered as she pulled up her tattered skirt and scooted herself back in her seat, propping her legs up beside her revealing a set of unrestrained pink lips in between. She slipped her fingers into her folds and began to stroke her bud before she laid her head back onto the seat and loudly moaned.

My breathing grew heavy as I watched her dip her fingers deep into her core then slid them into her mouth. "Don't worry baby, you're the only one who can see me," she whispered around her fingers and smiled. "My name's Elle," she informed, noticing I had buried my face in the seat. She got up from her position and made her way over to me when I saw the nice woman I had been speaking to earlier asleep on the seat behind her. My heart began to beat in terror as she turned me around and sat on my lap, flipped her long hair from her face revealing large bleeding puncture wounds on her neck.

"Whh...what happened to you?" I stuttered, causing her to take two fingers and run them through the blood.

"Oh this is nothing, just one of my old friends got a little too rough." She smugly remarked before she took the bloodied finger into her mouth. "I want to speak with you about something important Detective Pak, and I need you to listen carefully," she said, pulling up her skirt once more and unzipping my pants.

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