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"My father used to tell my brother and me that darkness waits for no one. It doesn't care about your age, your gender, or how powerful you think you are. It consumes all," I say, looking into the eyes of the children surrounding me.

"Wait, so we're dead," the young pup asks in confusion, causing the rest of the kids and I burst into laughter.

"Your Highness, It's time," Faya called to me. The large white fox with red streaks spread over her body, paddled in the watery entranceway as she waited on me to finish visiting with the children of the village.

"No, my queen, please stay. We want to hear the rest of the story." Another small white pup spoke softly from my side as he took the bottom of my blue dress in his mouth and began to tug on it.

"I promise I will try and make it back sometime soon children. Please get some rest," I said petting the pup chewing on my dress. Picking him up, I took the garment from his teeth and placed a small kiss on the small patch of blue on his head. Waving goodbye as the children followed us outside of the large shelter, Faya and I began to dive into the watery depths of the sea. Allowing the fox form to consume my human body, I leaped forward off of a large rock claiming my place beside my trusted companion. "Faya what ocean is this? Did your father have to choose an ocean this cold?" I questioned, noticing she was looking at me.

"This is what the humans call the Arctic Ocean my queen, and my father chose this ocean in hopes that the Kasai would not attack us again." She responded as the white fur around her face swayed backward, showcasing her crystal blue eyes. "May I speak my queen ...informally?" She asked as she stopped paddling her feet through the water, to halt her movements.

"There's never a need for you to ask me that Faya, you are my trusted friend and advisor. It's part of your job to speak freely," I laughed. My blue fur swayed in the cold water as I swam closer to her rubbing her nose with my own. "I owe you and Sunny my life, and I would never make you give up your basic rights to speech around me. I know things have been different since I was coronated, but I'm still Lux," I said softly.

Faya nodded her head in agreement as she showed her teeth attempting to smile in the kitsune form she wore. She held her head down in embarrassment as she thrust her paw forward to tap my shoulder. "You were great with those kids back there," she said, laughing. We began to swim again through the dark abyss as I allowed my eyes to adjust to the dark. "Since you are a queen and not a royal protector, it looks like I'll have nieces and nephews after all," she smiled looking back to me.

I let out a snarl as I leaped forward through a school of fish, causing them to disperse. "My duty is to my people, not my selfish desire. All a family would do is get in the way of what I need to do. You of all people should know that love is not welcomed in my bloodline," I responded, sharing the irritated glance that spread across her face.

"We're almost there," she said, shaking her head in disappointment as she swam ahead of me. "Some handsome Kit is gonna come along one day and sweep you off your feet Lux, and I can't wait for that day to come. Your duty is to protect us and lead us, but you have a life to live as well. Do not hide behind your family's warped sense of love to make a case of pretending not to want happiness" she scolded as she avoided the angered look I shot her.

"When the Cosmos freezes over, I'll think about it. Until then I'll stick to what I need to do," I argued as I thrust my tail forward, propelling myself to her side as we made our way through another deep cave. Making it through, we suddenly arrived in a hidden air pocket. Standing on the shore, I looked in amazement at the beautiful architecture of the castle before me. Carved from the bottom of a glacier, the design of the castle was composed entirely of ice as the frozen seaweed and anemones grew around its foundation. The sunlight reflected off the ice causing it to glow like a star and a hidden rainbow to form in the water. The large white doors in front of us bared the mark of the Mizu clan. The doors flew open, and a small brown-haired woman swam through letting her teeth show a friendly smile as she waved. Unleashing the whitetail around her arm, she thrust up into the water as she swam towards the surface.

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