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"Lost in thought my Queen?" a dark groan from a lone black fox hidden by the shadows of the alleyway behind me.

"Not so much father. I'm just listening to the movement and conversation of the people in the surrounding buildings to pass the time," I said smugly, watching as he changed forms. The older man looked at me with concern with a dark yellow flicker in his eyes as he held onto a nearby pole.

"So you know their language now?" he questioned as he cocked an eyebrow in my direction.

"Somewhat. Nissin had me go onto one of their long moving cars and accidentally run into someone." I stated in sarcasm, and he laughed in return. "He said it was the only way to be inconspicuous about touching someone." I mocked as we laughed together.

I began to yawn as he brushed the short gray locks from his eyes. "Come back home and rest. You can be of no help to them if you are ill-prepared," he spoke in a concerned tone as he looked down to my position on the sidewalk.

"Every minute I am gone from their shadow, Kaeden gets closer Father. I feel it. I feel him. Yesterday when I left to seek out food, I could smell him at this very spot," I informed my father as I looked up to him. Noticing the disgruntled look on his face, I let out a massive sigh as I placed my face in my hands and shook my head. Throwing my head back in a loud huff, I watched as my father shifted his attention to the sole lit up window on the fifth floor of the nearby building. I began to shiver slightly under the night air as my breathing became staggered as I brought my hands up and wrapped my arms around my body.

"Are you cold?" he questioned with a look of solidarity on his face.

"Yes. I grow colder, the more I stay here. Nissin says I will shiver like this until my body adjusts," I said as my father nodded his head in agreement.

"I've only ever been in this realm a few times since I was a boy, but even though things have changed drastically through the generations, this cold, unforgiving atmosphere has always stayed the same." My father said as he placed his hands on my back and began to let the warmth from his hands spread to my body. He slowly rubbed my cold frame as the red glow in his eyes shown that was he was pulling power from the Kasai. Quickly grabbing his hand with one of my tails, I placed my head on his chest and stopped him.

"I appreciate the gesture father, but you can't. Their buildings are fragile, and with a slight touch of fire you could destroy an entire city, and all of this would be for nothing," I said calmly causing him to place his hand on my head and run his fingers through my white locks. His strong heartbeat began to lull me to sleep before I heard a dark rumbling coming from his chest. He began to violently cough as he pushed me away and stood up. He grabbed a handkerchief from the black suit jacket he wore and covered his mouth. Continuing to cough, he hunched over to his knees in pain, spewing blood from his mouth.

"Father, are you okay? Do you need me to call on Nissin to escort you back home?" I asked him as I brought myself to my feet and walked over to him.

"That's not necessary Lux." He said as he placed his body against the light pole once more. Hoping that his coughing was not loud enough to wake the people in the surrounding buildings, I looked up to the lit window above us. There I saw a pink-haired boy looking down at us and pointing. The gleam from my blue eyes stuck out like a sore thumb in the darkness as we made eye contact as he pointed in our direction. "He's so beautiful," I thought to myself for a second before I quickly snarled, shaking the thoughts from my head. My mind shot back to my coughing father as my ears caught the sound fading far into the distance.

"Father," I called curiously into the darkness as I slowly looked back up to where the boy had been staring down at us. He had disappeared as well, and the lights had diminished significantly as a lone glow stood alone in the window. I couldn't help but smile in relief as I realized the men had probably gone to bed. Thinking of my father's condition and his tendency to pass it off as no more than a passing illness bothered me. I slowly slunk back into my position on the sidewalk and began listening for movements in seven men's apartment. A throat cleared in the alley behind me as my father walked back out to his previous spot like nothing happened as I shot him an irritated expression. He shrugged my look off as he crouched beside me and began playing in my hair.

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