new to America

209 3 0

when young girls
are new to town,
they feel lost
they feel scared
they feel alone.
they feel as if they'll never fit into
this new town.
but this is naive.
they make friends.
they learn their surroundings
and they soon feel at home.
they learn it is not that bad to be
new in town.

the same thing is a million times harder for an immigrant into America.

when young immigrant girls
come into America,
they need to learn
the culture
the language
the style
the food
the music
the lifestyle
and if you do it
too slowly
they will make fun of you.
then there's the kids
who'll mock
your clothes
your accent
your food
your religion
your lifestyle.
the immigrant girl
starts to feel deserted
she feels as if she'll never fit
into the American dream.
but as
as it is,
this is still naive.
Because soon,
the immigrant girl
makes friends
learns her surroundings
and she begins to feel at home.
they learn it is not that bad to be
new to America.

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