Castiels Return

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A/N We're getting right into it, this is smut with a bottom!Cas and obviously a top!Dean. Enjoy.

Deans POV

It was another boring useless day in the bunker of Sam doing research. Cas hasn't been back in awhile, he left on a hunt a few years ago and hasn't been back since, he rarely calls and checks in and then hangs up after he tells us he's doing ok and that he's got more hunts. "Dean, I think I have something," Sam said snapping me from my thoughts.

"What?" I asked looking at him, he turned around his computer to show some gory images.

"A girl disappeared one night and they found her body lying in a trash bag, but get this," he said looking at me as I scanned the images. "Her eyes were gouged out, she had multiple burn marks, and there nothing shows in the autopsy about how she died."

"This is our thing, pack up, we're leaving in an hour," I said as I stood and walked int my room. I finished packing my clothes and walked back into the front of the bunker, as I was packing up weapons Sam walked in and threw his stuff onto the map table.

"Got your rash cream?" I asked with a smirk as I put one of the guns in the duffel bag.

"Dude, how do you even know about that?" He asked with a confused expression.

"I did my snooping," I replied as I put a gun in the waist band of my jeans.

"I told you not to go in my room!" He said raising his voice a bit.

"And I told you not to touch my Lord of the Rings collection," I said calmly, he sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"Whatever let's just go," he said grabbing his bag before the loud cream of the bunker door sounded. Someone walked in wearing military fatigues, aviators, and a thigh holster, when the person walked down the stairs I saw a mass of black that I knew all too well.

"Cas," I breathed out as he walks around the stair banister.

"Dean," he said looking around, now that I could fully see him I saw he had a predator crossbow sling around his shoulders. "Sam."

"You complete ass!" I yelled walking forward as I threw the bullets I was packing on the table. "You disappear for years, call for only two minutes at a time, never say where you are, leave us wondering if you're ok, and you turn up and only say our names?!"

"Dean, I understand you're upset but yelling won't fix anything," he said backing up as I advanced on him.

"Upset is an understatement!" I yelled as he backed into the wall, he was now sporting a terrified look as I removed his glasses. "I fucking missed you! You don't understand the hell I went through when you were gone!"

"I missed you as well, Dean," he said as he moved off the wall.

"Where have you been?" Sam asked with a sigh from his corner.

"All over, I worked some demon cases, demigods, gods, sirens, you name it," he said removing his glasses to rub his face.

"Did you have help?" Sam asked again, I took this time to check Cas out since no one was paying attention to me. He looked unusually sexy in his choice of attire I looked at his hand and noticed he was also wearing a sliver ring that looked similar to mine, I bit my lip as I roamed his body with my eyes and felt myself becoming hard in my pants.

"Dean!" Sam yelled as he snapped his fingers in my face.

"What?" I asked pushing his hand away as I turned and picked up the impala keys.

"Cas was just asking if he could come on the hunt with us," he said, I felt him examining me and turned around.

"About that," I said simply throwing the keys up lightly and catching them again. "How about you go alone?"

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