Chapter 1: Carolina

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"Where the hell is Carolina! I swear to God if she doesn't get me that endorsement I'm going to fire her faster than she can form coherent sentences without peeing herself." 

Carolina heard this the moment she stepped into her workplace first thing in the morning. "The Vulture is furious someone stole the endorsement before she could, someone's ass is getting whooped today," joked Samantha, the Vulture's secretary. 

Carolina prepared herself, "Sam, do I look fine? Up to standards?" 

Samantha patted Carolina's shoulder, "Don't worry hun, your make up is on point, you're looking like a Gangnam beauty with a class, just the way she likes it. Clean bun, check, although don't look too pretty, she might end up copying even your face." She winked, teasingly. 

"Don't give me that wink, also stop using the term Gangnam beauty, you're making it sound like it's a bad thing," Carolina lectured her, sounding offended by the term used by her colleague. 

"Psht, whatever. Off you go, and don't get fired," Samantha said, pushing Carolina into the Vulture's office. 

"Her pink Channel sandals don't match with her leopard print dress, who the hell wears that in combination," Carolina thought the first time she laid her eyes upon her nagging boss.  "Don't be like that Carol, everyone has their own sense of style, you don't have to agree with her," retorted that nice subconscious of hers. "But for a person who's supposedly a top designer who studied fashion design in London's premier fashion school, she should know the basics of matching ups. Even a 13-year-old teenager wou--"


Carolina, startled with her boss' shout is now back in her senses, regretting the fact that her last thoughts could be her, criticizing someone's attire instead of having some lyrical and dramatic exiting thoughts. 

"I--I'm sorry, Ms. Jiselle, what were you saying again?"

Carolina knew she was up for a major sermon for being caught not paying enough attention. I am so fired. She thought.

"You bitch!" Jiselle roared across her table. "My sandals don't match with my dress? Who do you think you are? You're nothing but a newbie in this industry while I've been her longer to know better!"

This bitch seriously thinks she's better than me. I should just fire her. Jiselle thought to herself but she knew that she wouldn't do such thing, Carolina was a great bank for ideas, she's useful to her and until there is more to leech from her, she wouldn't let her go. 

Carolina's jaw dropped so hard after realizing she said her thoughts out loud, she rashly apologized but Jiselle was quick to brush off her apology. 

"Whatever, watch your mouth." She warned while the veins from her forehead were so visible it seemed like it was going to pop anytime soon. "Now, about that endorsement, you so miserably missed, how come Billie Eilish is signed into another brand?" 

"I'm sorry, Miss Jiselle. There's nothing I could do, she made it clear that she doesn't want to work with us." Carolina tried to explain but Jiselle wasn't listening. 

"This is your fault" snarled Jiselle, completely ignoring Carolina's explanation, "If you had done your job properly then we would've gotten that endorsement. You should be fired."

Carolina, now with a dark look in her face tried to reason out with Jiselle, oblivious of the fact that she's too important to be fired and that this was just one of Jiselle's scare tactics being the sadistic bitch that she is. 

"It's too late now, there's nothing you can do. You're--" Jiselle retorted but she was cut off by Carolina. 

"I'll get you an artist to dress for the MET Gala, please, I promise. Just don't fire me, Ms. Jiselle." Jiselle was taken aback, she smirked, She thought I was going to fire her, she should really learn to make me finish my sentences. She thought to herself, proud of her manipulative nature. "And you seriously think you have the necessary connections to contact someone famous enough to get invited to the MET? Dream on. " She scoffed. 

"Please just give me a day, I'll try to find a way," Carolina begged. 

"24 hours, that's all you have, by tomorrow, if you come back here with no good news, you better start job hunting," Jiselle threatened her, and poor Carolina was fooled by her empty threats.

Carolina excused herself from the office and sighed in relief until she realized what she just promised to do. There's truth in what she promised, she could contact some famous personality invited in the MET and ask them if they could design their attire but the question is: is she willing to exploit the privilege she has just to save her job? Will she use the connections she had even before she was born? The same connection and luxuries she hid to detach herself from the family name she's been accustomed to. The name that can hypnotize people from doing whatever they want with just a 3-second mention of it. The name that can invalidate her every success and hard work because for the Murdochs, everything is possible. For the Murdochs, you never have to work hard to get what you want. For the Murdochs, wealth controls everything. 

"Hey Carolina, are you okay? How did it go?" Samantha asked. Carolina hadn't realized that she's been standing there for a minute as Samantha waves her hand on her face. "Hey, girl, you okay? You've been out for about a minute already. Were you fired?" Samantha flooded her questions, with obvious curiosity in her eyes.

Carolina blinked, "I'm sorry I was just thinking of something," She smiled reassuringly, "And no, I wasn't fired." 

She started walking back to her cubicle outside the secretary's office, "Hey where are you going? You haven't answered my questions yet." Samantha queried. 

Carolina looked back, "I'm going to make a call."

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