Suddenly a loud gunshot to your right made you jump and pull your pistol out pointing it in the direction it came from. "Hyung you alright, over?" You heard Jungkook ask into his radio.

You waited anxiously for a second waiting for a reply your heart pounding out of your chest.

"Yeah, sorry," came Jin's laughing voice, "Me and Yoongi found a joke shop and he scared me. Sorry guys carry on, over."

"Hyung lets try not to kill each other before the Biters do, over," Namjoon sighed making you laugh slightly as you put your gun back into its holster.

"Apologies, over and out," Jin responded before the radios went quiet.

You and Jungkook continued on your way keeping your eyes peeled for movement or anything that could be used.

He nudged you and pointed towards a big house on your left that didn't look blocked up or totally destroyed, "One of the trucks is in there." You nodded and pulled out your gun following him over to the house.

"So tell me more about yourself," you started a conversation as the two of you crept up the stairs to try and find something useful.

"What do you want to know?" he asked quickly scanning the rooms in case someone was hiding in them.

"Where were you born?"

"Busan," he chuckled at your unimaginative question.

"How old were you when it started?"

"About 7," he nodded holstering his gun when it was clear the house was empty.

"Were you sent to a Military Camp?"

"Yeah," he nodded, "I remember being taken for training when I was 12, my parents were destroyed but there was nothing they could do. The Government wanted all the kids they could get."

You remember the Military Camps when they were first set up. They were big camps organised by the Government. Before they all got destroyed they were a way of training people to look after themselves by teaching them different things. Military Training, the one Jungkook went to, taught kids of all ages to use weapons, fight Biters and protect. They were basically used as bodyguards for the important people. All the 'important people' are gone now, rich people and celebrities died out quickly because most of them lived in the city.

There were Medical Camps which taught medical training, you had a suspicion Namjoon went to one of these but you hadn't been brave enough to ask him. You had another suspicion that Yoongi and Taehyung attended one but hadn't asked either of them yet either.

"Have any of the others been to one?" You asked the youngest male member knowing he would probably tell you. "Um," he paused for a second thinking, "Namjoon went to a Medical one, Taehyung went to one similar to mine, Yoongi went to a Military one but was in the tactical aspects of it. I'm not sure about Jimin or Hobi hyung. I know that Jin hyung didn't."

Your suspicions were correct.

You watched Jungkook walk quickly over to the window next to the double bed in the room you were in. Thinking he had seen something you pulled out your bow and arrows going quickly over to him.

But he wasn't looking out the window, he was looking at something on the chest of draws. You looked down and saw him holding a set of car keys. You looked up at him feeling the same hopeful feeling that was displayed on his face. "Me and Hobi hyung didn't notice those before."

"Only one way to find out," you shrugged smiling.

The both of you spun around and sprinted down the stairs trying to find the garage. You ended up in the kitchen and didn't see another door leading out. "This way!" Jungkook called from another side of the house knowing where it was.

You ran through the living room and found him standing in a doorway looking into a garage. Coming next to him you looked into the garage and saw a dark red, open back truck.

Before you could warn him a Biter appeared from the back of the truck and lunged at him. Without thinking you raised your loaded bow and shot it in the eye. The arrow pierced through its dead tissue killing it instantly. Jungkook turned around and saw the male Biter wriggling on the floor with an arrow embedded in its eye.

He looked slightly shocked like it had given him a mild shock to see it. "Good shot," he nodded casually coming back over to you and kissing your forehead in thanks.

"You owe me," you raised an eyebrow putting you bow back over your shoulder and pulling the arrow out of the Biters eye with a sickening squelching sound.

"I do," he nodded chuckling as he moved to the front of the car to look at the engine. You went to the back of the car to check if it had any fuel, to your surprise the chemically smell of fuel hit your nose making you cough slightly.

"Do you think it will start?" you asked curiously opening the driver's door and looking inside.

"Only one way to find out," he stated repeating what you had said and smirking, he tossing you the keys.

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