I on the other hand learned french

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3rd pov (with everyone speaking english)

Seiya ran over to the Queen treated woman sitting and staring out into the distance.
Her head snapped and faced down at her.
"Who are you" she had cold emotionless eyes staring at Seiya.
"Bug a boo! I love yoo, now come and get me!" Cat Noir teased.
Seiya started talking to Y/n. "I'm sorry that I let this happen, I never really did ask to be a alien, before I wasn't much smart to care! I realized when I first saw you that...I didn't want to be a outer space intruder, a freak, I wanted to be the best guy for you but you helped me see, i can be me, and I have say this.... Iloveyousomuch, iloveyoumorethananythingelseinthewholeuniverse!"


Y/n roughly stood up by pushing her arm rests. She turned to Seiya and started walking down the steps of the throne, right in front of Seiya. "You. Are a liar. Hypno, the one who loves me the most told me, you have always lied and hated me. I don't love you. In fact i hate you" she let down her hair and slapped Seiya. Her dress turned into a leather combat suit, and 2 knives were pulled out of know where. "DIE STAR FIGHTER" she yelled and when her eyes reopened they were violet instead of red. Seiya realized this, and knew she was trying to break through the shell Hypno had on her.

Cat Noir was running away as ladybug twirled her yo-yo, "Hey Star Fighter!" Cat noir yelled in actual English. "Clues to the akuma hiding place?"
It took a minute for Seiya to dodge and figure out what Cat Noir said.
"Kagame, when we witnessed it, it flew into Jacks hoodie. Idk what else" Kagome translated it.
"He did pull out a few things from a pocket, a flower, watch and a necklace, that exact one, he had Red gown/leather suit girl put on which is what made her outfit and the throne appear."Kagami said to Seiya, which came from Cat Noirs mouth first.
"How do you get rid of the necklace? And where is the star necklace i gave Y/n?" Seiya asked.
"CATACLYSM!" Cat Noir yelled in English.
"Oof. Not an answer i was looking for"
Cat Noir tried hitting Y/n.

"Distract her Fighter" Kagame said her self, didn't even have Cat Noir say something, this was on her own.
"Y/n, before you hated me, did you love me?" Seiya started to distract.
"yes? But that doesn't matter now, past is in the past!" Y/n paused.
"Well you were like a sister, and I didn't like you, you were right!" Seiya lied.
"Y-you heard m-me!!!!" She yelled louder.
"How dare you! After all I did?" She took a step closer, I will say, with this powerful magic, she became like 6" and was leaning over Seiya like the leaning tower of Pisa.
"Star fighter, I truly loved you like a lover, nothing less...,but you ruined it, by lying, and I had to find out from Hypno... like that!" She started tearing up.
"Dont worry Hun, Bluejays have always had room in my heart." Seiya smirked sweetly.
Seiya pulled Y/n into a kiss by her neck and Cat Noir grabbed the end of the necklace, shattering it.
Hypno was already tied up, Lady bug was back to normal, the whole plan worked.

Y/n pov

After everything I spoke a lot with Chat-Noir and Ladybug about how sorry I was, and then told them I was moving here, I was in the airport having a moment with a person I loved, and that's when Jack got all "grrr" about crap.

I then turned to the male on his knees, and walked up in front of him. "Jack..." He flinched at the sound of the very intimidated voice that rang from my mouth. "I am very mad with you, how could you, my best friend, trying to force me into an illegal marriage, I'M 14! And....need I remind you, that's what my parents wanted, an arranged marriage for me, with some dude I never met, you know I hate forced or arranged marriages, and when we were kids and watched those types of movies of shows, I got pissed, and threw stuff, causing my parents to get an even more stern man, and beat me till I excepted that I was entangled in the messy family..." I slumped down.

"I just... Love you" he admitted. " I'm sorry. You're just a brother to me" I took the necklace.
It was glowing.
I then thought of why.
"YOU'RE NOT JACK!" I yelled. Jack smiled and stood up. The smile widened and the ropes broke off. His face distorting into a demonic face. He smirked,

It was Michael.

"Ladybug, do you know a girl named Sarah L/n?"I ask, the shock in my body fading away " No. Not one L/n has ever lived here." She answered. "Well... Okay" I was about to turn away.
"Y/N YOU'RE OKAY" Venus glided next to me. "Took you long enough" We ran into each other giving a big hug. "We also brought friends...Fighter" she laughed at Fighter as her eyes widened. She was about to run, when a baby hand grabbed her ponytail and yanked her next to the short girl. 
"Seiya you idiot, running off like that, Y/n would have been fine without you!" Yaten snarky comment made me give her a secret resting bitch face.

"No she wouldn't have. They wouldn't know what happened, and they wouldn't know the akuma" Seiya argued.
"AKUMA?!" Taki butted in. "Star Fighhhhter-" she groaned.

A leather outfitted male with cat ears and a belt tail.-
-Walked over and bowed "Thank you very much for the help Star Fighter" he spoke, leaving me clueless as to why he said that in English when Seiya is COMPLETELY failing English.

"Sir you can speak French, I understand it well" I smiled as he looked up surprised.
"Really?" He asked. "Learned it when I was 9, till currently" I said as he stood.

Seiya POV

What. The. Actual. Hell?

There Y/n stood. Talking with Cat Noir. SpEaKiNg French like a pro.

"Au Revior!" She waved to to Ladybug and Cat Noir as they took Kagame home and left our sight.

Her possession lays were you once stood on

What in the heck does that mean? I've stood in a lot of places. Plus, HER POSSESSION.... Who's possession?
Confused more than when I'm in English class. Is it something of Y/n's? I don't remember much if she said anything about something missing... Yaten maybe. She loses everything, including her patients.


"Have you heard of the Twilight realm staff?" I ask Ladybug and Cat Noir. "No. But We did hear of the Twila wand" My ears perked up. "Huh?"
"Yeah. It's been here since they found it just of the coast off France, so the country gave us the rod. We named it after one of the past Moon Goddesses Guardians. Twila, and we named 'Twila Wand' because strange stuff has happened since 1876 when we got it" Ladybug gave me a whole history lesson.
"Thats- Great news" I stuttered.

We got a wand to get now

We headed to a hotel. And all booked rooms. The Three broom heads headed back to Japan to watch their princess, Rei and Mako went with them and helped them come back.

Yeahhhh, ignore the fact that there is a crazy maniac looking for my life right now. We are on break in Paris. F-U-C-K IT.



My bluejay (Seiya Kuo X Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt