Chapter Two: 'Nuisances'

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That day was the day I had all of Minako's friends up my ass. My big mouth saw Seiya on stage and spoke out loud his name... And with Minako being right beside me while knowing I didn't even know the name of any of these men and hear my surprising words she started immediately questioning me, which had to be paused when she went back to fangirling. Then shortly after exiting the entire concert hall, she continued her interrogation which led her friends ears to perk up and then they were questioning me and me being a even bigger dumbass revealed I met them while walking around after Usagi ditching me, causing the girls to target poor Usagi, which led them to harass me throughout the rest of the night and into the morning on my way to school before they walked away.
Then during their lunches, and free periods, the four girls — as Usagi apparently barely knew about the singers also— where texting me AND calling through both my free periods AND actual active classes. I ended up getting in trouble because of the first call from Rei as I was unaware they weren't told by Minako that I still attend junior high where you don't have many free periods or the fact your shouldn't have you phones on you on full volume and when your "Sugar Crash" ringtone starts playing on full blast and YOU'RE IN ENGLISH. WHERE THE TEACHER understands the words being said for the most part. Just to though that in there if you didn't think it was already bad enough.

I ended up turning off my phone by lunch with my voicemail filled with 4 missed calls and 5 texts sling extra, unneeded questions.

When I returned to the shrine where I stay with Rei I threatened her saying if her or her friends ask one more damned thing about the Three Light's, I was going to shove a light up their–


It was dinner time I had realized, me, laying on my hammock tied up as it was last minute for the news to Rei  that I would start living there as I had no where else to go.
I had realized it got late as Rei came in asking what I wanted for dinner if anything at all. I asked if she had any pork buns as that's all I wanted at the moment, she hummed and left, returning a moment later with delicious buns. "Homemade too" she mumbled quietly, aware she had upset me and didn't want to upset me further. Due to the fact it was silent in the room, the 'quiet' from her statement about the pork buns was basically loud.

She headed to the door, bowed said "sorry for today," and closed the door softly.

I didn't touch the pork buns. I was too busy thinking of Seiya. I wasn't upset or anything. If it was anything at all, he clouded my thoughts and at that time is when I started getting hooked on him, guess at that point you could call me a rookie fangirl.
I had excepted it that he was cute and starting to turn into a crush for me. It's not the end of the world if it happens. Crushes, love, it all happens multiple times in a lifetime.

I got off the hammock and walked to the big windows staring at the stars and getting mesmerized.
My only problem with starting to crush on Seiya was the fact he was a 16 year old singer celebrity, the chances of meeting him again casually were 4% and becoming a lover of his was .5%. Not to mention if by some miracle of a chance it did happen, was I at least 50% ready to try again? Celebrities always put on a mask, one way or another, what if in relationships, Seiya was as abusive and toxic as my ex or my parents? Would I survive one more round?

I was so lost in a trance, thinking and looking at the sky I didn't even notice Rei coming in. "Y/n?" She called for the 5th time. "Y/n!" She called very loud. "Huh? Oh sorry..." I mumble holding my arms and heading back to the hammock and little table with my food set on it. "You alright? The others are here to apologize, we just... Got too excited. Please don't neglect eating because of us!" she got worried. "It's not that... I'm just... Thinking of my future and present, you could say." I looked back to the window, still receiving a clear view of the quarter moon. It's so pretty. I stared and thought about today. I honestly am not a total bitch and give me about a week, I will get over him.
I chuckled and sat. "Hey Y/n-" Rei sat next to her. "What's up?" I stuff my face with food. "Uh. You ever feel... drawn to the moon?" Rei smiled. "Lately... yeah. Since last week. I just cant go a night without needing to see the moon. I do believe I even literally ran to my window and couldn't see it, and I got really sad and even she'd a few tears." I laughed nervously. "Yeah. I can say I relate to that most times. It's such a beautiful creation I must say."
"I want to apologize once again for being annoying today. I got to excited forgetting you literally are a human and just got lucky. And that you just didnt know... understand?" Rei apologized. "Its okay. You guys are fangirls. I'm not gonna tear you down. I'm just a bit annoyed of how many calls and texts I got." I nodded.


"Y/N IM SORRY" Minako fell to her knees. I wat he'd her beg for forgiveness as I continued whipping the pork pun from around my mouth. "You're fine Minako. Just don't ever ask another dozen questions in one hour again. That goes for all of you too." I looked at them. "Sorry...." they looked down and mumbled together.
I laughed. And pulled Minako, which led the others to follow. "Stay for a bit-"
"But it's late, we have school tomorrow." Ami interfered. "Oh well... Can I walk with you?" I smiled innocently. They agreed, and Rei got changed so we could all walk.
We all chatted, and very subtly explained what happened when I met Seiya, only after forcing all the hyper fangirls to keep calm and quiet and not say a thing. "May I ask a question?" Makoto asked. "Yes. Calmly and don't even think of being cringy." I joke around. "Was he as cute as he is on stage in person?" She looked in a trance. "Haha- I guess?" I didnt exactly know how to reply. "He was cute. I won't lie. He was fine-" The girls gasped. "SO you agree. SEIYA IS HOT." Mina squealed. "You're breaking your promise Minako" I widen my eyes warningly. "Sorry"
I sighed, glad to dodge answering that question. I just admitted it, I wasn't about to repeat it. It would've set off 20 questions all over again. And I was not about let that go down again.

Hey.... At least they got me to admit it once.
They were a good friend group and honestly I hoped that one day I could call them my friend group two. If only I knew the secret though to join their cult.
How did they all become friends in the first place?

My bluejay (Seiya Kuo X Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu