a goodnight pt 2

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"Michael?!" I repeat.
Ya know my ex..... MICHEAL, the one I roasted only like 10 days ago.
"Well well well.....lookie here....." He mocked
"What do you want?" I said as he patted my head.
"But you love me"
"Your an idiot!" I yell
"Look who's talking" he bent down to my level of height.

"Yeah you" I say and pull my arm away.

"Babe....plz....I miss you...." He begged


"FAGGOT" I yell

"Haahahahaha......wow, this girl has lungs doesn't she, it's funny.....but in my eyes that not how you treat a girl...." A voice from beside me said.

"Seiya!?" I jumped

"Who are you?" Micheal looked disgusted at Seiya.

"I'd say ur worst nightmare...but I believe that's your own self....Seiya Kou, one of the Three lights.... Now leave Blue Jay alone" Seiya looked serious at Micheal, while taking off his sunglasses.
"Who's it to you, Mr. Feminine looking" Micheal stood straight trying to at least get to the height of Seiya but was a few inches to short.
Seiya put his arm around me and pulled me in.
"She's probably the closest friend I have"


"She's even like a sister to me"

;~; now that just does it

I take Seiyas arm off my shoulders.
"Just...stop talking plz" I say calmly.

"Awe....the poor and Mr sing song man.....hmm" Micheal turned and walked away.

"Did I say something wrong?" Seiya turned to me.

In more ways than one
"Nope..." I lie

"Ya know I have to take this to my friend Rei...I'll see ya"
"Rei Hino? The TA girl? That comes to Juuban public hs to see us?" Seiya laughed.
"The one and only....oh yeah!!!"
Seiya looked at me.
I pulled out the mic I found that was his on the ground yesterday.
Seiyas face went numb
*Er.....THANK the Lord.....I've been uh.... looking for that (she didn't even know she lost it) what if I had gone to the musical and not have it, know what can you hold on to it for me? And I'll let Yeaten know, but if you press that blue gem on the side, it pages the other mic's, so I'll know you need help, plus....it has a tracker, so I'll know where you are" Seiya rambled on, for a guy who doesn't like literature....he did talk alot
"Bye Seiya." I turned and walked away
I ran all the way to TA academy, where girls swarmed me like a bunch of bees says how pretty I was.

"Okay, move, she obviously is here for a reason" Rei broke thru.

"Your test " ^_^ I looked at her face

"Uhhh, why did you bring this I left it at home for a reason " Rei sighed.
The girls then went up on Rei

"Wow...a 56%.....not good Rei-senpai, but it's better than a 55!" One girl said.

I ran away and escaped and ran to school.

I turned to corner to see Michael (again 😒)

"Goodnight" he punched me in my face knocking me out cold

I woke up in a dark room, I wasn't tied or anything, but my body parts hurt

Then I remembered:

"Goodnight" he punched me out cold

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