Chapter One: 'Escapé'

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I stomped up the stairs and slammed my door shut. Me being prisoner in my own home was purely stupid. Unfair. "DON'T SLAM DOORS IN MY HOUSE!" A boy's voice yelled from the first floor.

Hi, bad time for introductions, but in this story.... There is no proper time at all for real introductions, so I will tell you my name as you visualize me pulling out a suitcase and filling it with my things, or at least things I needed that would fit.

I'm L/n Y/n. I'm 15 and in my last year of junior high. Some of you may live in an area that considers 9th grade to be high school, but here, 9th grade is still junior high. I have a boyfriend... Who in less than 10 minutes of the story will be my ex. Good riddance he will be. But he'll be back later on.

"Y/N! What are you doing that is so loud up there!" I heard him call from the bottom of the stairs. When no answer escorted out of my mouth, he started groaning and slowly walking up the stairs. As I heard him coming up I pulled the phone of the land line and called a familiar number, "Minako?"
My best friend. She's a year older than me, which is perfectly fine, but somewhat hard to keep contact with as I try to leave her alone, hoping she'll do her homework, while knowing damn well she won't.

"What's up?" I hear her voice through the other side. "Who is it Mina?" I hear another voice behind hers. "It's Y/n."
"Help. Back window. Bring backup" with that I hang up and placed it back in it's holder. "Y/n? Did you hear me?" A voice comes from behind the door and my boyfriend, Saike, tries to open it. "Unlock the door." Is all I hear. "No. I'M LEAVING YOU!"
Oh? Wondering the reason why I am leaving, let alone through a window that probably makes a lot of noise? Well...
"Y/n. What are you so mad about? It was never my fault" Saike sounded like it was nothing. "Cheating is a choice." Is all I say before I close my suitcase and quietly lift it and bring it over to the window. "Y/n. Stop crying." Saike sounded irritated by my statement. "I'm not crying. Not now, never was." I reply, wasting time until I saw the yellow hair of Minako. "You smacked me with a metal coat hanger and told the girl to get out."
"AND I'LL DO IT AGAIN!" As I yell I lift the window, to at least cover up any squeaks coming from the window. "I tried to let my anger go for your pettiness, but you're just making it worse?" I could hear the anger in his voice surfacing. I turn back and finally Minako and her four other friends show up. I know their names, yes, but I didn't have time to think at the time. I noticed the screen part still there. "Screw off on your bitches!"
"SO NOW YOU'RE GONNA LEAVE WITH AN ATTITUDE LIKE THAT?!" As he screamed, because I'm a genius and planned that, I punched the screen out. "AND WHERE ARE YOU GONNA GO HUH? YOUR PARENTS LEFT YOU IN MY CARE CAUSE THEY DIDN'T!!"
I ignored the screaming and his most likely weak hits at the door, which was the only thing keeping us apart. I stuck my suitcase through the window and held it out till Ami and Makoto came up and held out their arms to catch it. Which they indeed did, but only by a couple inches.
"You're mine. You belong to me! I need you!" He continued. "If you needed me you wouldn't of had to go to another girl." I say calmly. "You didn't wanna have sex," he said coldly. "Yeah. Cause I'm not comfortable doing something like that when I'm not even out of school yet." I lift myself up and plop my but of the window sill. Two foot drop, c'mon Y/n, you've done this plenty of times, but this time, you aren't returning.

I watch as Makoto positions herself correctly and I swing my legs over. I heard something drop behind me and it was the doorknob. Shit.
As the door opens, I look down and swoop down, and Makoto catches me swiftly, and easily. "Thanks! Mind if I call you Mako? Cool!" I pat her shoulder and slide out of her arms without her response. "UGH!" I hear from above and it's obviously you know who. "COME BACK!" He yelled and then left the window. "Let's go girls!" Rei called. We all ran as Mako easily carried my suitcase in her arms like a paperweight. We made it to a public park and stayed there for a bit where I explained what happened. "Can I stay with you Mina?" I look at her. "Sorry. You know how my parents feel about you staying over on school nights, especially when I'm failing horribly too-" Mina itched the back of her head. "Oh Okay, guess I gotta pay for a hotel or something," I say remembering the wad of cash I stole from Saike's money collection. All his allowance money from his out of town parents? Gone.
"How about she stay at the shrine? I always have extra rooms!" Rei says politely. "Oh yes! Thank you!"

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