back AWAY

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"Nani?!" I usually wouldn't sound so upset but this was bad.
" You heard me, you are going to be with Usagi alone" I was okay with it.... till

" Again why?!? WITH SEIYA-KUN!?" Never had I wanted to scream so loudly in my life.

"Make sure you watch them, don't want Usagi cheating on Mamo-san now do we?"
"How come you don't trust Usagi?" I grabbed my head.
"I do but I Don't trust Seiya after what he did to you at at the camp"
I sighed and shuttered at her sentence. "Don't remind me"

"Oh, come on, you kind liked it, don't think when we were back in the cabin I didn't see a alight blush on your face" Rei nudged me with her elbow.
\\don't count starting now, already at 5//
"Was I really doing that?" I look at her with wide eyes, and covering my face with my hand. "I know it's hard with what Micheal has been doing...but don't let that hold you back, it's really bad to fall in love with your history, but I don't think Seiya knows about that"
"Who do you think saved me from Michael?" He got the alert and then when he showed up he somehow called the Starlights, the semi attractive sailor star fighter carried me to Usagi."
"I get that your bi and all, but you have to choose between a cute guy, or a possible enemy..." She rolled her eyes at me.

(For those who are straight, and reading this, WELL YA BI NOW or else why tf are you reading the story knowing Star Fighter (a girl) is Seiya (a boy?))

"..................... I still don't want to do this, why is Seiya even there?" I start packing a small bag.
"There is some robberies in her neighborhood and her family isn't home tpnight, and Seiya offered to stay with her for the night" Rei leaned over the hammock grabbing a small purple box "here" she handed me it,

I opened it to reveal a watch with no clock, but a star in it.
"It's a communication device, if anything starts call us on that"

*Time skip is brought to you in part by: *cough cough* FUCK CRAMPS, FUCK WRITERS BLOCK, AND FUCK PUBERTY*

I sat in a room,

"How did this happen again? " I sat in the living room watch Chibi-Chibi.
"Seiya will be here soon Y/n, so get the communicator ready. I pulled out the purple and green watch and adjusted it to my wrist size.
Soon enough the doorbell rang and Usagi opened up the door to see Seiya with sunglasses on, he looked at me and I could tell he was stunned
"Bluejay?" I smiled and waved shyly.

We were all in Usagi's room eating cake and drinking tea, well...was drinking tea, we gulped it down before you could say "hello neighbor".

It was quite akward, as for Chibi-Chibi, she was messy and her cloths were decorated nicely with, Cake frosting.
"I'll uh...get some more tea, and while I'm at that I'll clean up Chibi-Chibi"
I felt betrayed, but.... I would do the same thing,
She looked at me with a face of "Sorry " and my eyes replied with "DON'T say 'sorry'....but pllllz don't leave me like this!!!"

She took Chibi-Chibi out with her leaving me sitting next to Seiya, alone

Worst part was Chibi-Chibi closed the door behind her making me want to get up and jump out the window next to Usagi's bed.
"Bluejay~" I turned to see a Seiya that had moved a CM closer.

"Oh! Yeah, uh, did you want the shortcake or f/c (favorite cake)?" I try to ignore what he purred basically.
"You pick first," "Okay then I'll have the f/c" I go to grab the nice cake.
"I can''s not nice to a guest"
"You're a guest too Bluejay! "
"But I've been ittsn this house before, it was for like 5 minutes but still!"
"Then...I'll have both"
I become childish. "NO YOU CAN'T! " I pull my arms around the cakes.
"Don't be so greedy of girls may not like you"
"It's okay, I only here for one girl, I only sing for one woman"
"Me, Taki, and Yeaten put all our might into singing for one lady across the galaxy. ..uh that's actually what I wanted to say before"
"Who's that lady?" I lean closer to him.

I see Luna in the corner of the room tensing up.
"Well, you see I got something to tell you that stays between us, got it" He got closer to my face. I nod not realizing the no longer existing personal space between us.
"Bluejay..., I am...I...I am....." He clutched something in his pocket I started noticing the fictional space, and leaned back.
"Okay um....well that's a bit far." I start blushing. I look at Luna who is sweating like crazy
Join the club
"Well why not? We promised to tell secrets to each other "
cyeah syre, but that's a bit across the line don't you think?"
"Listen Wil you?" He put a hand on my shoulder. He clutched the object in his pocket...

Well the pocket is a bit to the right, in his general....OH MY GOD SEIYA NO!

"Well, I am...I uh.....I"

Cake was thrown at his face. "Chibi"
"Oh! Chibi-Chibi you're back, but I don't see Usagi?"
"Cake, Cake!" She reached up and started messing with the cake on Seiya's face.
"I'm so sorry Seiya" Usagi's voice rang from the doorway. "Yes, mote tea!" I clap my hands standing up. "Seiya, you might want to take a shower." Usagi watched Chibi spread the cake on his cloths.
"Yeah...." He got up looking at me with a slightly sad face, but managed to wink through the cake left overs on his face.

Time skip cuz it's late****

"Where is he?" Mink hissed at Usagi.
"In the shower" I sip my tea.
Don't know, don't care, but Ami, Mina, Rei, And Mako showed up at the house tonight.

Long story short never doing this again

Don't count: 14

My bluejay (Seiya Kuo X Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora