A princess Visit

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I had been emotionless for 5 days now.
Uranus told me and Seiya separately to not talk to us, but that order failed.
Seiya had returned my pen, and started talking more often,  She even told up her past and what she's looking for but not as much as before, and she even stood outside my window.

"So Seiya is coming to your Maid thing?" I look up from my Manga at Mako and Mina.
"Yep" Mina smiled.

"Yeah I'm 'glad' for that,  but.....that means I'm not going....Seiya and I are okay now, but it just basically 'hurts' to see him."

'Hurt' 'glad'
I am not feeling emotions need I remind ya

"Oh come on! You can work too!"
"What do you not get from no Mina? I. Said. No."


"Minako, don't go there "
"First you almost quit being a Sailor Guardian,  then you almost get killed,  what more do you want  from me? Y/n pleaaase, just at least show up, we are making f/cake~"


"That's it?"
I look at her, my now gray eyes looking at her telling her she's lucky I even agreed to"just go".

3 days later

This is shitty
Seiya isn't here and I NEVER GOT MY CAKE

¡¡AND STILL top this day I never got that delicious cake!!!¡¡

"Mina. ...can I go yet? " I was slowly developing my emotions back.

"I want my cake then! ;~;"

Or.... they had fully kicked in when I realized I was never getting that cake.
Seiya walked in and went straight to me.
"Glad to see you're better" He took off his sun glasses.
"You might want to go outside! !!" Mako came running back in to Me and Mina, interrupting what Seiya had to say.
"Oh, and Seiya,  this involves you too, I mean they ARE your sisters "
We got up and ran out the door.
Taki and Yeaten were surrounding Chibi-Chibi.
"Hey!" Mako yelled.
"What are you doing to the poor girl, she did nothing."
"Ah, good to see emotionless monster is okay, told her she'd be fine" Yeaten rolled his eyes, I knew he was mocking me.
"Oh now being a little mocking bird to me,  what did I ever do to you? It's a sin to kill one but this may be an exception"
"Oh,  now I see the after effect of being dull, you become cocky." They got in stance position.

"Chibi-Chibi,  come here" I hold my arms out for her.
"no. She has the Princesses lantern"
"Chibi " she ran to me and buried herself in a hug.
"DAMMIT Y/n, are you a good person or a fake?!" Taki yelled to me.
"I'm not a good person, or bad person, I'm not fake, or real, I'm just simply the truth bitch"

"You want to basically snatch a toy from a girl? Why not ya know, ask?" I look down to Chibi-Chibi.
"Chibi-Chibi. ...can I have the kettle lantern thing?" I put my hand in front of her.
she hesitates before handing it to me.
"Now was that so hard -_-?" I grab the handle and hand it over Yeatens hand.
"Y/n! Don't just give it to them! They literally almost attacked a child over a tea making pot" Mako growled.
"Hahaha hahaha wow are you all really arguing over tea?" a random voice came out of no where. Usagi ran over in her Funko. "New person" smiled when she saw her.
Rei, and Ami followed in behind her
The new Sailor Enemy.
She looked at me and Usagi and smirked.

"Why thank you Twila, you just made my job alot easier.
She shot out a light and it wrapped me and Usagi around the tree on each side.
"Hey!!" I yell struggling to escape.
"Just let it happen Twila"
"Fun fact dolt, I'm not Twila, I'm Y/n right now" ^^ pays off being a sarcastic beyotch.

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