Part Seven

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We go on the tour, and see people there eyeing us suspiciously. A female worker pulls us aside.

"Hello, children are you by any chance Josie, Zen, and Kat?" she says in a questioning tone.

Kat speaks up, "How did you know it was us?"

"We run facial recognition 24/7, so it was picked up on the cameras as the three missing kids. Do you know it has been a whole month since you went missing?"

"Yes," I cut in, "Though that doesn't mean that we can trust you." I look into her mind as she starts to tell us about how she found us. "Well, I trust her." The others look at me and I give them the nod. "Anyway... the guy who kidnaped us is Dr. Ice."

"We have been looking for him for years, where did you leave him?" She asks intently.

"In our neighborhood's abandoned manor, about 250 miles from here." Zen states. The worker goes over to her computer.

Thirty minutes later, we are on our way to Dr. Ice's "house". We get in the plane to not give our powers away. We ride in silence. We arrived in good time, also known as half an hour. We land in front of the manor. They bust down the door, and they tell us to stay hidden on the plane. About half an hour later, we see them coming towards the plain with Dr. Ice in tow.

"I should have expected this, where is Edan?" Dr. Ice asks us.

"He didn't want to be there, nor did he want to help you!" I yell at him.

"Well, did you know that he is your father?" He asks.

"Yes, I also know how you made him look so young. Experiments. That's all we are to you, YOU never felt anything for anyone!" I scream in his face. He pulls back with a how do you know that look. I walk away with Kat and Zen following. Dr. Ice is hauled towards the plain. Zen pulls me close. He grabs my hand and pulls me into a passionate kiss. I feel Kat smiling behind us. I pull away. We stay on the ground, Zen still holding my hand, until the plane departs, then we fly off. Away to a place that only we could go.

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