Part Four

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I wake up to a searing pain in my head. I try to scream but the sound is lost to a towel that has been shoved in my mouth. LET ME SCREAM!! I yell in my head. It only makes the pain worse. Dr. Ice comes over towards me when he sees my struggle.

"No. She isn't supposed to wake up for another hour. Dang, it." He turns a knob and I lose consciousness.

I stir. My eyes open to nothing. I see the world. It is gone. Planet after planet I fly past. Soaring so fast that even though there is no sound in space, I hear the universe rushing past. Continuously over and over until I reach the end of the universe. Then they all start rushing past again. One by one, until I am back on Earth. I circle the Earth. Once, twice, three times until I wind up in an abandoned manor. The abandoned manor. The one down the street from the school.

I wake up in a cold sweat. Just a dream. It is dark. I smell something rotten. I look around the room. I realize that it is the smell of unwashed people. The same smell that comes from our neighborhood, Faircastle. I hear someone waking up. I look closer at the room. I see two other beds. I now hear the steady beeping of heart monitors. I see Kat's auburn hair splayed on the pillow and Zen's hair, messy and not in his usual sweep up. I see Dr. Ice sitting in a corner on a chair. His body is slumped over. He must be asleep. If on cue, Edan walks in and see me. He goes to Dr. Ice's chair and gently wakes him up.

"Sir, Josie is awake," Edan whispers into his ear. How the heck did I hear that?

"Good," Dr. Ice says. He wakes up more and comes over to my side. "So, How do you feel? You took a mighty beating when you woke up during the surgery." Surgery? SURGERY!!! Why the heck was I in surgery? Then all the memories hit me. Dr. Ice kidnaped us and... and...? And what? What did he do to me? Did he do it to the others? Seeing the look on my face he answers that question for me.

"I see that you are wondering what it is that we did to you and your friends," He says slowly. There is one question answered. "You see, we have been trying to allow people to fly on their own, but all of the past trials ended in failure. Except for you and your friends."

After he finished explaining that we could all fly, hear better than most animals, become super strong and heal quickly, I noticed that all of my human flaws of scratches, scars, and pimples/zits/blackheads (I saw this in the mirror on the wall). Kat starts to wake up as well as Zen. They open their eyes, Dr. Ice explains what happened to them as he did for me. Dr. Ice then explains what he wants us to do. Now he tells us. Why did I predict this from the beginning? Watch this be about taking over the world.

"Now, I want you guys to collapse the government." Dr. Ice started. Knew it!! "You will start by destroying The Pentagon."

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