The girl nodded numbly, a ghost of a smile gracing her lips. "Sure, that's okay. But..." She looked around the room, directing her attention to the futon in the living room. "I only have that one blanket for guests. I'd feel bad if you guys were uncomfortable during the night. I can give you my bed's blanket, that's not a problem—"

Phil shook his head forcefully, practically making a milkshake out of his brain. "No no! You sleep in your bed tonight; no exceptions! You need rest and the best sleeping environment there is. Dan and I can handle the blanket situation. Here's what we'll do—" Phil walked towards the door and began putting on his shoes. "—I'll run back to the flat and grab one of our spare blankets and a few pillows. Dan can stay here with you while I get them, okay?"

Phil could see the beginning of a blush on Dan's features when he suggested this, the idea of being alone with (Y/N) something he hadn't experienced yet. Dan's grip around (Y/N) unconsciously tightened, causing him to blush a little more; Phil felt reassurance when (Y/N) began acting bashful once again. "You sure? Because I could run out if—"

"Nah, I'll take care of it. I want you to make sure (Y/N) is alright when I'm gone. When I come back, you and I will stay here for a while. If you're feeling up to it we can even continue watching our shows on Netflix. How does that sound, (Y/N)?"

(Y/N) looked up at Phil, her eyes beginning to shed their previous cloudiness. Proper emotion began to reappear, her smile becoming brighter as she grinned slightly. "That sounds great. Really, it does."

Phil beamed happily. "Awesome. I'll be back in about an hour. Until then, I want you back in bed and relaxing, okay?" (Y/N) nodded at his request. Phil then turned to Dan. "And you. Make sure she actually rests, alright? I don't want you keeping her up unless absolutely necessary!"

Dan scowled in embarrassment. "Hey, why would I keep her up? I'm not a blabber mouth like you!"

Phil scoffed and turned his body towards the door. But not before sending a sly wink Dan's way; Dan just about melted with how red he became. Luckily (Y/N) didn't see the childish actions of Phil, the girl blissfully unaware of how Phil was teasing his friend. "Like I said, let her sleep! I'll be back in a bit!"

Dan muttered to himself as he and (Y/N) slowly made their way to her room, his arms around her side like a protective barrier. Phil sighed, a small smile creeping across his lips. Despite his teasing, he knew Dan would do everything in his power to get her to rest. After everything she's been through, it was most likely Dan's goal to have her healthy and in high spirits once more. Judging by her momentary mood boost, Phil hoped that it would be uphill from here. He was optimistic about this; keeping her company tonight would no doubt help as well.

Without further delay, Phil opened the front door and excused himself from the flat, closing the door behind him without the excessive force from before. As he entered the hallway he noticed something out of place. His eyes widened as he realized that Hailey's suitcase was gone, the bag snatched from the front door. Phil whipped his head to look around the hallway, feeling a cold sweat beginning to form as he anticipated running into Hailey. Thankfully it seemed as if she had either picked it up and abruptly left or that someone had taken it away. Regardless of the reason, Phil still felt a little nervous about the case being gone.


Phil exited the flat with no troubles, reaching the main street without any interruptions. He heaved a large sigh of relief when he didn't see any unwanted visitors. Usually he was a little more relaxed in public, the idea of people recognizing him becoming less of an issue as the years went on. However due to the current circumstances he felt like he had to be extra careful for a little while.

Dream a Little Dream // Daniel Howell x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now