Chapter 20

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"Hello, DanAndPhilGAMES romantic, dusty butterflies! And welcome back to-"

"Wait wait wait; romantic dusty butterflies? Phil, why are you referring to the viewers as mere dirty insects?" Dan's exasperated and joking tone interrupted Phil's monologue, cutting off his greeting like he did in so many of their Let's Plays. Of course, this was to be expected of now seeing as they were both used to the tradition.

Phil rolled his eyes, giving a cheeky smile as he gestured to the camera in front of them. "What? Butterflies are something you get in your stomach when things get a little romantic-" He lowered his voice, waggling an eyebrow. "-So, it's the perfect theme for what's about to happen today!"

Dan smiled, thinking of all the possible ways he could help edit that little effect into the video. "Ah yes, if you guys haven't read the title yet- seriously, what are you even doing with your life if you haven't already done that-" He looked to the side, ready to queue Phil in.

He took the hint, allowing the recording to go even smoother. The two said their answer in a monotone yet somehow excited tone. "Dab and Evan are having a sleepover!" Here's where I'll put in the fanfare music... Dan thought to himself briefly.

"And not just any sleepover!" piped Phil. "It'll be full of all sorts of exciting activities like baking sweets, playing video games and maybe a little loooooove~!"

"Oh come now Phil, we can't have these two kids snogging while the parents are home, especially not with Dalien there either. We don't need to scar our blue, slightly obsolete child anymore than he is, right?"

Phil grinned mischievously as they started to move around the virtual home. "We don't have to worry about that if we... send the family to the park! There, alone time for the two teens!" Dan watched as his friend put their plan into motion, sending all of their virtual children to the park except for one very special lad. A cheeky sleepover; that could be the title of the video.

Time began to pass as the two sat at their monitor, recording their playthrough of the Howlter household. So far all had gone to plan; they made the teens bake cookies- luckily no one had combusted into flames-, play some video games on the computer all while increasing their feelings with minimal awkward situations. Now was the final step they had been waiting for; the cheeky 'not-so-sleepover'.

Phil was getting excited and truthfully, Dan was too. These were his children and he was not ashamed to say he was feeling like a proud grandpa watching his virtual grandkid get ready to snog his 'technically-not-yet-boyfriend' boyfriend. Did that sound weird? It did, but give him a break. They had been doing this series for more than 50 episodes! One was bound to sound a little crazy in the end.

Phil's giddy voice chattered endlessly in Dan's ear. "Look at that! They're both feeling flirty! Dan, Dan! We need to try some of the romance options; 'Kiss hand'?"

"Hmm, is that too much right now? I mean, right now they're just two mates hanging out playing some video games. I think Dab needs to slow his roll a littl-"

"He's going to kiss Evan's hands!" Phil clicked the option despide Dan's doubts, holding their breaths as they watched the scene unfold. Thankfully, it seemed like there was no crises to avert from; Evan had accepted his love. "Oh my gosh, it worked! Look at the hearts!"

This time Dan took over the mouse, his excitement getting the better of him. "Oh oh, should we try 'Embrace' next?" Phil nodded eagerly, grinning like a schoolgirl when the action was also accepted. "Phil, it's working! Oh my god, Dab's got some moves too!"

Their virtual grandchild had pulled a rose out of nowhere; a true romantic if Dan ever saw one.

Now both Dan and Phil were beside themselves with excitement. This was going to be quite the lengthy video, but it would all be worth it if they could pull this stunt off. Now all they had to do was secure their victory and enjoy the feeling.

Dream a Little Dream // Daniel Howell x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now