Chapter 35

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You tried so hard to keep Hailey back yet her sudden spike in adrenaline had overpowered you in an instant. Despite your desperate pleas and attempts to divert her attention, Hailey had already laid her eyes on the ultimate prize. Unfortunately this turned out to be the two people you wanted to see both the most and least right now. All you had wanted was a pleasant walk after your drinks; how had it turned into this?

Shit, shit, shit!

As you were dragging— rather, as Hailey was dragging you— your words of warning were left unheard. "Hailey, I really don't think this is a good idea. I mean, it's probably not even the people you think they are. They, uh... it's probably not those dudes from the internet that you talk about so much!"

"Oh my God! Oh my fucking God (Y/N), it definitely is! Look how tall they are!" Hailey began walking even faster towards the figures in the distance. "Holy shit, this is our lucky day!" With one short glace, you had no doubt that the figures were indeed Dan and Phil. However, you tried everything you could think of to convince your enthusiastic friend otherwise.

"Look, you've had a long day. You're most likely beginning to crash and are probably imagining things." You tugged her sleeve harder, pointing in the opposite direction. "Here, let's go back to my apartment for the evening. We can take the whole night and catch up. Or we can take the night to sleep off your exhaustion! Seriously, I don't think this is a good idea Hailey!"

Your words fell against deaf ears, the driven girl in front of you quickly closing the distance between yourselves and the boys. You began to break out in a cold sweat, dreading what was to come. You closed your eyes as if somehow the Gods would listen to your silent prayer, granting you some sort of super strength so you could carry Hailey's deranged ass away. Unfortunately, the Gods were just as deaf as Hailey.

Before you knew it, you were standing face to face with two familiar forms. You locked eyes with Dan, your eyes mirroring the exact same horror that danced across his deep chestnut stare. God, this was such a shitty situation to be stuck it! For a few moments, everyone was silent. A powerful sense of dread could be felt through the group, the only one oblivious to the atmosphere being Hailey; her eyes were alit with fireworks of disbelief as she took in the appearance her idols. "U-um, are you— A-are you Dan and Phil? Like the Dan and Phil?"

You held your breath, slowly sweeping your gaze from Hailey to the boys. By the static look on their faces, you could immediately tell they were putting on a facade. While convincing to some, it was pretty clear that they had no idea how they were going to get out of this situation. The first one to make a move was Phil, a forced smile etched across his lips. "Yes, that's us! How can we help you?"

Hailey look like she was about to faint, her posture momentarily swaying. You stood close to her, carefully nudging her into a more stable position as she mustered out some quick, nervous words. "I-I'm a big fan of you guys! It's really cool to, uh, I-I mean..." She seemed at a loss for words, eventually resorting to using her hands to assist her in talking. She pointed to herself, then to you. "I'm Hailey, I'm a really big f-fan. This is (Y/N), she's not a fan a-and I kinda dragged her with me... Oh wait!" Hailey gripped your arm, violently shaking it without realizing it. "(Y/N)! Y-you probably don't remember, but she was at that convention about a month or two ago! She, uh— right (Y/N)? You met Dan before, yeah?!"

"Uh..." You didn't know what to say when Hailey put you on the spot like that. You looked towards Phil, his kind smile unwavering yet no doubt masking the same anxiety you were feeling. Then you let your gaze drift towards Dan, the brunette's eyes cast downwards as he pretended to look bored with the interaction. "I mean, yeah I guess. It wasn't anything really spectacular really. I kinda just interrupted the event a little..."

Dream a Little Dream // Daniel Howell x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now