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(Same clothes as the last chapter)
- Daniel's P.O.V-
- July 14th 2019 -

I sat on the edge of Fallon's bed, holding her hand tightly.

She had been out an hour maybe and I was starting to get worried about her. 

I felt terrible, telling her to just forget about it all. What kind of a boyfriend am I? 

"Hey, has she woken up yet?" ~Kelsey asked sitting on the other side of her bed.

"She hasn't even moved, I'm worried about her. What if something really bad is wrong with her?" ~I sighed. 

"She has done this before on us, just stay with her until she wakes up." ~Kelsey. 

"But I have to go to rehearsals soon, Jon will kill me if I don't go today." ~Daniel. 

"Well, I'm going to the studio with you all. I can ask Gabbie and Christina to stay here with her if you like?" ~Kelsey. 

"That would be great, thank you, Kelsey." ~I smiled. 

She nodded and headed back out of the room and I'm guessing to talk to the other girls to make sure they can watch Fallon while I'm gone. 

I kept watching her until Zach came up and told me it was time to head out. 

I kissed Fallon's cheek before leaving her room and following Zach to Kieran's car, getting in the back and looking out of the window the whole car journey. 


I walked up to the studio doors after having the photos taken, I had already gotten dressed and was now waiting on the other boys to finish up. 

"Morning Daniel, I see you're here early today." ~Jon smiled. 

"Yeah, I am. Sorry, I missed almost a full day yesterday, I was just having so much fun with Fallon." ~Daniel. 

"It's fine kiddo, don't worry about it. At least you're here today, that's all that matters right now." ~Jon. 

I nodded and smiled singing quietly to myself before the other four boys ran through the doors, Kelsey and Kieran behind them smiling. 

I sighed and stood up as the boys came over to me. We messed around a few minutes before Jon told us all to get ready.

We all call this time rehearsals but really it's just dance practice for when we're all on stage. 

We had already learnt the dances, but while on our break we often forget what we're doing because it's life and we can. 

"Okay, come on guys. You should know this routine by now." ~Jon. 

Friends began playing on the speakers as we all danced around like a random dancer had told us to yesterday.

It got to the part where we had to grind and as we did the doors behind us opened and I saw Gabbie, Christina and Fallon walking through the doors. 

Fallon looked at me and smiled, I returned the smile and finished the song off before running to her and pulling her into a hug. 

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