Love and Fate

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Pidge glances up and sees Acxa and Keith head outside of the room. Her breath hitches and she desperately wants to stop them. She closes her eyes briefly, because in her head she can even imagine it. She shouts "No", stalks over to Keith and claims him as her own; he (of course) declares his love and BOOM, they are committed and everything just falls into place. Unfortunately life isn't so easy and she knows this better than most. So when she opens her eyes she doesn't say anything. In fact, she knows she cannot. After all it was her own agreement with Acxa that opened this door. And now she has to see them walk out and remain quiet, while her heart silently bleeds and her hope falters. Again she has to trust in fate and she's such a fickle bitch.

This freaking sucks!! Hunk is doing his best to answer questions and is trying not to put her on the spot. I know he's giving me time to process and see how I am going to proceed. And ultimately I do what I always do. Suck it up and move on. People are depending on her and she can't afford to be selfish right now. Her mom likes to say, "If it's meant to be, it will be." So, she's just going to have faith. Patience yields focus. Shiro. Don't be a caveman. Matt, which is not real advice but he always says it to me and it makes me smile. Which she does while taking a deep breath.

Ultimately, she refocuses on the Blades and her team: answering questions, clarifying points that may have gotten lost in translation and coming up with a few contingency plans. Acting patient. Finally they are done and Pidge starts to pack up. Krolia suddenly appears on her left and asks for a dobash of her time. She freezes and seeing no alternative reluctantly agrees.

They move to the north corner of the room and Krolia asks her how she is feeling. She looks so concerned, Pidge feels bad for not finding the time to talk to her before now. So instead she explains in detail (and with much rambling) what happened, trying only to relate the facts. Obviously she doesn't want Krolia to know how her son broke her heart. She has her pride! Sometimes it's all she has. After a while she tries to wrap it up claiming fatigue. But unfortunately Krolia won't be put off. She explains what she saw and how sad and frustrated Keith was when he could not contact her and reiterates his hope of a future for them. Pidge knows his mom is trying to help but it is just making her more confused.


Then Krolia relates her theory that Acxa was part of this effort of sabotage. Pidge immediately disagrees. She knows that Acxa has feelings for Keith and could see why Krolia may have jumped to that conclusion. But there is no proof and Pidge does not want to start pulling on that thread. It would be all to easy for her jealousy to find an outlet and she does not want to fall into that trap. She is not going to act like an insecure teenager (even if she is one!). Once all the data comes in, well that's when she will make a judgement. Krolia nods and accepts Pidge's answer.

Krolia mentions that she can give her a ride home if she doesn't think her dad is going home. As she is tired, just a little sore, and sad, she agrees.

Pidge starts packing up her stuff and goes to tell her dad not to rush, that Krolia can give her a ride home. At this point, she notices Lance and Hunk hovering around probably worrying about her. Lance asks if she wants to hang out. Pausing, Pidge internally debates, on one had she does, just to stay busy and to not think. But realistically she knows she's tired and needs to take it easy a day. The old Pidge would have said yes, just to avoid her own thoughts. But now, she knows that this is not the best choice and depending on how the trap goes, this may be her last time to take it easy for a while. She shakes her head no and mentions that Krolia is giving her a ride home—to her parents. Both of them acknowledged that tidbit and let her know they will be by later. Hugs and kisses were exchanged and Lance leans down to say, "Rest up Pidgie!! We will bring some treats to you! You did good here!"

Krolia and her walk into the hallway and start off. Keith starts when she comes out and says, "Is the meeting officially over?" Krolia replies in the affirmative and Pidge cannot help but give an awkward half hearted wave. He takes a step towards her and asks if she needs a ride but she quickly says no and makes to leave. Krolia stays for a minute talking to Keith but reaches her by the elevator.

The ride home is quiet but for some oldies playing on the radio. She automatically takes her bags and walks her up the path to her parents house. Her mom opens the door before they can even ring the bell.

"Katie, how did things go? What happened? Oh, hey, Krolia, want some lemonade? Freshly made!"

Krolia replies in the affirmative and that's how they all ended up in her family's kitchen, drinking lemonade and eating peanut butter cookies. The meeting is rehashed and analyzed. Pidge sees her mom arches a brow to Krolia, silently questioning what else happened. Then Krolia side eyes Colleen and that's when her mom abruptly informs Pidge she needs to wash up and let Matt know dinner is in an hour. Knowing better than to argue, she just nods and leaves. At this point, Pidge doesn't even care that the moms are going to talk about her and Keith. Good luck to them trying to figure it out! Maybe if they do they could let her in on what she's supposed to be doing.

As Pidge climbs the stairs, she wonders why Matt was not there at the meeting but ultimately guesses he's mostly considered Earth/Garrison or even too busy. With her out, most research and development has been allocated to Matt and now he's collaborating on her queued projects so she knows he's busy. Maybe she can get him to hand off something to her to work on!! Just to take her mind off things.


Alone at last, Krolia fills Colleen in. This is a new experience for both of them. Neither is really comfortable sharing their burdens-Krolia has been alone for so long and Colleen has had to be strong by herself when she found herself alone. So while both of them have had very different lives, both moms are strong and protective of their independent and stubborn offspring. So while previously they stayed out of their kids relationship both were not about to sit around and watch a disaster happen.

Not to mention neither was going to let someone mess with their kids, paladins or not. Which is why after Krolia talked to Keith she immediately went to the Holts to gather more intel. While the conversation was a little stilted at first, both ladies are fierce women who decided that they are great allies. Hence the unexpected friendship. Krolia details her concerns as well as conversations overheard and Colleen relates what she thinks is going on between their kids. Krolia also told Colleen some of what she observed between the two and her own impressions. Colleen decided to relate Sam's talk with Keith.

Krolia said, "Honestly, I have to say you have raised a honorable and rational daughter. She is offering Keith an opportunity to redeem himself and I must say that I am dismayed that he chose to engage with Acxa. Honestly, how hard is it for him to say no?"

Colleen laughs, "You must have forgotten how contrary human men can be!!"

As they continue to chat they come up with their own plan of action and tacitly agree to help their children maneuver this minefield they found themselves in.

Colleen gets quiet and finally says, "I believe that Keith is her first real love and possibly her lifelong love, beyond the simple crushes of childhood. And while I could never have imagined her life's journey, I am so proud of her. But love can be hard when you have no reference. No history or past experience to compare it to. And while I may not have chosen her to find her love while still so young, it is what it is. So I want her to have the opportunity to explore this without outside forces at hand. Maybe my husband and son think I should stay out of it and maybe they are right. I don't know. But I can't. More, I won't. This is my baby. And she deserves to be happy and loved. And while James is a good man she doesn't light up for him. He doesn't interrupt her work. So while I believe that if Keith was not in the picture, something could have grown there between them, it's not going to happen now."

Krolia nods, "I understand. In my world, love is not something we strive for. Wars are not fought for it. Power, duty and family are strong ties. But once I met Keith's dad here on Earth something happened that I was not prepared for. Suddenly, they came first. It took Keith a while to get there because his father and I were not there for him. No matter the reasons, his life changed due to decisions we made. And while I wish things were different I stand by those decisions. And I expect Keith to stand by his. But when those decisions are stolen from him, I agree I won't stand by. Keith loves her and it just took him a little longer to realize it."

Both women look at each other and nod slowly. They were both on the same page. So if Krolia suddenly realizes her car has no gas and needs to call Keith for a ride...well...who's to question her!

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