I hate titles lol

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Hi all, take care, and I'm going to try and finish this one soon. So fingers crossed!

Pidge looked to Keith unsurely, tilting her head to the left, she slowly but determinedly continued. "Okay, yes, I get where you are coming from. But are you sure you are ready for this? We aren't doing what our opponents expect." Not seeing understanding on Keith's face, she continued, "Which means they are definitely going to panic because we aren't doing what they expect. Now, I'm not saying this is necessarily bad but we definitely don't know what they are going to do next. That is my main concern. I don't like the uncertainty and I'm just hoping we aren't making a mistake. We have our main plan and this is is deviating from it. So all I'm doing is pointing out we can still act according to -"

"Pidge." Keith paused. "Katie. Shit. I know what you are saying, believe me. But I just can't do anything else. I won't, well, shit, shit, SHIT! I just can't pretend that you aren't important to me. That, you aren't EVERYTHING to me. I tried that and it failed. And I've regretted it more than any other action I've ever done. So, FUCK whoever thinks they can come between us. I was stupid before but no more." Keith looked up into Pidge's eyes and quietly but resolutely stated, "You're mine. And everyone should know it."

Pidge smiles. "Yeah, killer, I get it." Her face is flushed and she can't help the soft smile gracing her face. Looking down, she absently thinks, she can't help but like this new possessive side of his. His resolve. It was never about her before. And she never even knew it mattered. How funny. Life. Love. His stubbornness, well, this time is was all reserved for her. She was never a guys priority before which was fine-it wasn't a priority. But she wouldn't like, this is pretty nice.

Keith firmly and resolutely continues, "So, that is settled. Let's go. We have a statement to make." He starts for the door but turns abruptly quickly grabbing her arms and pulling her close. "You are never to be alone. Got it?"

Pidge rolls her eyes and moves forward to pull on the door but Keith holds tight. "I'm not kidding. Promise me. Or we don't leave the damn room. No arguments."

Pidge retorts, "Yeah I know, my dad will kill you and –"

Keith growls, pulling her to her toes. "Do you think that's what I care about? Do you know what I would do if something happened to you? Do you think the world would survive?"

Pidge breath caught, she stared. "Yeah ok, I'll be careful."

"Not just careful. Never alone. Clear."

Keith and Pidge emerged from the room, linked hands, heads held high. All day, whispers echoed in the halls, followed them through the cafeteria, and the meeting rooms. Wherever they went, Pidge would catch just a word here and there. All through it Keith never left her side. 

Confusion. Some jealousy. A lot of wonder. Honestly, she wondered how Acxa was handling things. She knew they agreed to keep their distance but it did not help her conscience. Knowing she was being used really bothered her. And that she was by herself having to deal with it also made her feel bad. Thankfully, Keith and Cosmo made sure she was busy and Krolia also made sure she was around, throwing her silent support to her. Pidge wasn't sure what everyone thought but she did notice the absence of a few key players. No captain. No Chief of Engineers. Hmmmm.

Finally after an exhausting day, Pidge realizes she was on the verge of a migraine. Lack of sleep, stress and the fact she's almost on her period created a dangerous mix elements. Pidge's head was pounding and she was starting to see spots. She tried to let Keith know but he was busy arguing with some other Blades about, fuck, she just could not concentrate. Rubbing her temples, she tried to act like she was fine but when Cosmo leaned on her side she couldn't stop herself from leaning on him.

Ultimately Kolivan was the one who noticed she wasn't feeling well. Moving he bent and whispered, nodding. "Keith, your mate needs your assistance. Please take her to your room, if necessary contact the med bay."

Keith moved quickly to Pidge's side. "Yes sir. Thank you."

He crouched next to his girl, "I got you babe."

Pidge blinked. "I can walk."

"Sure thing."

Meanwhile, Matt and Hunk were working on using the program Pidge created. They were close to finding the engineer's human counterpart, they knew it.

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