Such a Softer Sin Chapter 10

Start from the beginning

"The fuck does he think he's doin' touchin' up on her like that?!" Murphy hissed, ready to launch off the seat and throw the man through the window. Connor pursed his lips as he watched them carefully. He wanted to make the man leave her alone but he didn't know how without upsetting Lila. He was trying to think of a way. He wasn't irrational or impulsive like his darker-haired counterpart. He was meticulous and calculating, always needing a plan first.

"Touchin' up on her? He just touched her fuckin' arm man!" Rocco laughed incredulously, shaking his head. He couldn't believe these two asshats.

"Still fuckin' touched her though." Connor grumbled, his eyes never leaving Lila and the man.

"And what? She's single, she can talk to who she wants." Rocco knew he was heading in dangerous territory, but his meaning was loud and clear. You want her? Fucking tell her. The boys shot a dark look his way and he shook his head and shut up, watching as their glare returned to the man in question.

"Fuck, I'm gettin' another drink." Rocco sighed, getting up and walking to the bar next to Lila and the man.

"Hey Roc! What can I get you?" She beamed at him. He smiled back, unable not to. Lila was gorgeous and she had a way about her that just made you like her.

"Just a beer sweetie." He grinned. She trotted off to get his beer and he was awkwardly left with the man that he feared would be murdered by the end of the night if he didn't leave.

"Hey, I'm Maddox." The man smiled with a nod, wanting to introduce himself since he was obviously friends with Lila.

"Hey man, Rocco." He replied, feeling more and more awkward by the second.

"So, what's up with your friends? They've been staring daggers at me for like an hour." He chuckled, motioning to the twins who were sat up tense and ready to fucking throw punches.

"Uh...yeah...well...the thing is...them and Lila...well they're kind of... a thing." He rambled nervously. But when the man's eyes widened he knew he said too much.

"What? The three of them? They're in a relationship?" He asked incredulously, the idea of it absurd to him. Rocco frowned, not knowing what to say and being annoyed by the man. He didn't think it was so weird if the three got together, to each their own and all that shit.

"Well, I mean...technically they're not together." He stated, fidgeting a little and looking for Lila so she could rescue him from this hell.

"So they're just friends? That doesn't explain the looks." Maddox squinted, feeling like something was amiss and he didn't like it.

"Look man, I'm not here for a fuckin' interrogation alright? Lila belongs to them, just fuckin' remember it." Rocco scowled. Maddox didn't have time to respond as Lila came back with a beer and a smile on her face, unaware of what was going on. Rocco gave her a weak smile as he handed over the money.

Maddox was frowning and got up, putting on his coat. Lila looked at him curiously, he was suddenly going cold on her and she wondered what she had done.

"You're leaving?" She sounded so genuinely sad that Rocco grimaced. He felt bad for the poor girl.

"Yeah well, wouldn't want your boyfriends beating me up since you belong to them and all." He spat at her before leaving. She had visibly recoiled from his words and she felt like she'd been punched in the gut. She looked the Rocco confused but his guilty face made her narrow her eyes.

"Rocco, what the fuck did you say to him?" She asked lowly. Rocco squirmed a little and wiped a hand over his face.

"Don't fuckin' kill me, please. It's just... he asked why the boys were glarin' at him, so I told him." He winced, looking at her curiously.

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