4.2 Hunger

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Slowly, the wolf stepped onto the bridge. Rotten wood creaked under its massive paw. Muninn's heart sped faster. She scrambled back. Her hand punched through the wood, and she yanked it free. No further. With both hands, she held the sword out in front of her.

Another step. Acid hissed into the wood, digging holes through to the stream. Muninn scooted back. The wood under her began to crumble away. Dark splinters broke off and vanished down the stream. She held her breath. One more step, and it would all be over. One more step...

The wolf stepped forward and lunged. Muninn flinched back and closed her eyes. There was a crunch and a splash, and when she opened them, the wolf was stuck in the bridge. The rotten wood had given out underneath its front legs. Its back legs strained as its front half slid deeper, the river stones too slippery to provide any grip. The wolf floundered. Desperately, it kicked its front legs to keep its nose above water. The harder it kicked and fought, the more the bridge gave away. It sunk deeper with every kick.

It worked! Muninn leapt forward and slashed at its muzzle. The wolf yelped. Blood welled up in the cut.

Muninn's heart stopped. No! Was it not the Demon-Killing Sword? Was it all in vain?

Ash flaked off the wolf's fur. Its body grew blurry around the edges. It yelped again. Its eyes went wide, and it struggled harder. Gray ash colored the water downstream.

All at once, the demon wolf burst into ash. The wind gusted. What was left of it blew away, vanishing into the heavens.

Muninn sighed out. She'd been worried for nothing. She looked at the Demon-Killing Sword and turned it over in her hand, admiring the blade. It was hard to believe she was holding it here, now. Ordinary old her, holding the legendary sword!

A fat drop of metal pearled up on the surface of the blade. It rolled down the hilt, over her fingers, and vanished into the stream.

Her brows furrowed. What was that? Did the wolf's acid damage it?

Before she could examine the sword more closely, her stomach grumbled. Muninn crumpled around the sound, hugging her stomach. Should've brought food with me. But she'd been so worried. What would her mother eat, if she took all the food? If the doctor didn't find the note for a few days-no, she couldn't have taken any.

She'd just have to find her own food. Determined, Muninn stood up.

Wood snapped under her. Muninn let out a startled shout as she splashed into the stream. Icy water closed over her head. She came up gasping for air. Her feet found the bottom, and she propelled herself out of the water like a breeching salmon to scramble up on the shore. Soaking wet, she shook herself off, then climbed to her feet. "Stupid bridge," she muttered, shooting it a glare. Can't believe I fell for my own trap. She glanced around the forest. At least there was no one to see her embarrassment.

Sticking the sword through her belt, she headed off into the forest, pausing to dump her boots out along the way. It was a hot, sunny day, so despite the water she dripped everywhere as she walked, she was only cool, not chilled. The forest stretched on and on. Her stomach seemed to grow emptier with every step, aching fiercely. Little fluffy rats scampered up the trees away from her, and once, she surprised a family of deer, but she never got close enough to catch anything. Poking orange heads through the detritus of the forest floor, mysterious mushrooms oozed slime. Bright red berries glistened amidst tangling, thorny vines. She eyed them suspiciously as she passed. They'll probably kill me as soon as fill my belly.

Rustling from ahead mingled with the sound of heavy footsteps. Muninn scurried behind a tree, then peeked around it. Forest. More forest. Was it just the deer again? They usually didn't sound so heavy, but...

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