yellow and the moon

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Please listen to the song so you'll get the same vibe as me when I was writing this chap 🤧

If I have to pick a color that best describes her from the very first time my eyes lay on her—it'll be yellow.

The way she embraces her bare face and leaves streaks of her freckles visible, how her lashes curls naturally and the red tint formed on her cheeks whenever she laughs too much.

The way her bubbly voice echoed in the tiny space we're in and how it's able to change the sorrow in my soul into a bubble of joy.

She makes me feel things that I don't understand, she makes me feel welcomed.

The thought of her has always been able to warm and calm me down whenever I'm on the toughest day. Some people have ice cream as their happy thoughts or maybe going on a vacation, but mine has always been her—Kaycee Caitlin Rice.

Whenever her hands moves gracefully admist wrapping dozen of flower bouquets in her tiny store, and the way she whistles to her favorite songs whilst doing all that.

We never really do anything together though, but I always love the way she lifted her head when the small bell on the top of her entrance rings when I walked in, and the way she giggled and said "hi again Sean, another sunflower for today?" It gives my soul enough warmth that I always needed.

She asked me billion times about all the sunflowers that I keep buying every week from her, she thought I have this weird obsession with them—but truly, they just reminded me of her.

To leave her has always left me shattered apart,  begging even more of her, sometimes I really just want to take her home with me so the warmth inside of me will never faint away. But she's a whole separate entity that I could never have.

So I could only bring those sunflowers with me back to my apartment, put it in a vase by my table as it took all the empty space with their yellow petals.

She bled yellow all the way, a soul made of sunshine as she chases another soul similar to her.

"Why are you gazing out, are you ditching these sunflowers?" She asked as her tiny hands lifted the flowers she mentioned, a giggle escaped my mouth as I shook my head.

"Trying something new." I said as my eyes are examining the whole room filled with various type of flowers mixed with different scents.

She wore a yellow sweater today as the sleeves are folded exposing her arms, a corduroy pants that are loose at the end of her ankles, her natural curly hair forming her face as some strands of them are up in a messy bun.

"Okay. So Mr.Lew right here is trying something new, may I help?" She joked as she approached me, our eyes met as I quickly shifted away.

"I heard there are few flowers that bloom at night?" I asked as she excitedly nod, she scooted her way to one of the bucket hanging on the wall as she pointed to a stack of long and branched stalks of purple lilac clusters.

"This is Japanese Wisteria or you can call it Perennial, they bloom at night and it took years for them to turn from white to purple." She explained as she handed one of it to me.

Then, she walked across to the other side of the room and grabbed a pack of white flower bulbs with a similar shape to the first one, she walked closer to me as she hold it close to my nose, the fragrant immediately enters making me coughed.

"This are Tuberose, some people like the smell some don't. Personally I do." She said as she put it back to the container, she walked back to me as a smile plastered on her face,

One Shots // SeayceeWhere stories live. Discover now