Y/n: "to be fair, you actually aren't all that heavy."

Rias: "what do you mean?"

I motioned for her to get off of me and I stood up.

Y/n: "I mean, you're actually really light."

Rias: "hmm. in that case, how do you think I could help?"

Y/n: "start by letting me finish my training and tomorrow, we'll take Issei to train with us."

Rias: "I'm assuming that you know that he's one of my devils as well now?"

Y/n: "yep."

Rias: "alright, but I think you're going to have to cut your training short for now, Y/n. We don't have long until school starts and you should probably wake Issei up."

I looked at the clock and, sure enough, i had slept in and it was about time to wake up my brother. I sighed and walked over to Issei's room. I silently opened the door and Rias peeked her head in to see what I was doing.

Y/n: "he's so peaceful. It'd be a shame if someone were to..."

I grinned maniacally and brought out an air-horn from literally nowhere.

Y/n: "hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe."

Rias: "why do I have a bad feeling about this?"

I walked over to Issei's bed and then proceeded to violently shake him whilst blasting the air horn and shouting "WRRRYYYYYYY!!!" At the top of my lungs.

Issei screamed as I had scared him half to death with all of the noise and I buckled onto the floor laughing.

Y/n: "oh...that was awesome. Wake up asshole, imma hit the shower."

Issei: " you're a dick!"

Y/n: "been so long since you've seen your own micro-cock that you've forgotten what one looks like, huh?"

Issei couldn't come up with anything. Once again, I had won. I got into the shower and started to wash myself. After literally about thirty seconds, I felt a pair of arms wrap themselves around me and I smiled warmly.

Y/n: "did ya have to sneak into the shower, Rias?"

Rias: "What? Do you not like it."

I just turned and kissed her on the lips, earning a blush that made her face match her hair.

Y/n: "you need to stop being so easy to embarrass, Rias."

Rias: "stop playing dirty and I'll think about it."

She smirked at me and I brought her into another embrace when something came to mind.

Y/n: "Rias? Did we do anything whilst I was out?"

Rias' face turned crimson red.

Rias: "n-no, I'm still a virgin."

Y/n: "hmm, better not tell Issei about this either way, he'll be pissed and try even herder to get to his dream."

Rias: "his dream?"

Y/n: "oh yeah, my failure of a brother wants to be the 'harem king' as he calls it."

Rias giggled slightly and I got out of the shower after washing myself and changed into my uniform. I headed downstairs to get some breakfast and saw that I had a little extra time to kill. So I clicked on the gas on the cooker and started making some bacon, eggs, potato scones and sausages for myself and Rias. Issei can just go fuck himself...nah, I made him some as well, but Rias and I got the most bacon.

Eventually Issei came downstairs and saw me making breakfast.

Issei: "morning, asshole."

Y/n: "love you too, brother."

Issei then sat down at the table and after a while, Rias came downstairs, freaking Issei out in the process.

Issei: "wait, RIAS!? What're you doing here!?"

I walked over with breakfast and clocked Issei over the head for being rude.

Rias: "well, I spent the night here last night after Y/n and I finished our date."

Issei: "wait, you didn't by any chance-"

Y/n: "Issei, stop talking."

Issei: "why?"

Y/n: "we'll explain everything after school so just shut up and eat."

Issei nodded and looked at his plate, then he looked at mine and Rias' and he got a bit bitchy.

Issei: "HEY! You guys got more bacon than me!"

Y/n: "yup. Bacon is the food of the gods, those who are pure of heart get more bacon."

Issei: "fuck you! you're not 'pure of heart' or any of that shit!"

Y/n: "my heart is pure. Pure. Unadulterated. Badass."

Rias: "I think pure unadulterated teddy bear is a bit more accurate."

Y/n: "and that means?"

Rias: "you seriously have no idea how cuddly you are when you're alseep."

She giggled and Issei's jaw hit the floor.

Issei: "you two slept together? As in, in the same bed?"

Y/n: "weakness identified. Commence shenanigans."

I smirked and Rias instantly picked up that I was planning something.

Y/n: "yeah, we did. I even used Rias' lap as a pillow beforehand."

Rias was, at this point, trying her best to contain her laughter.

Issei: "What!? No way! Is he telling the truth, Rias?"

I mouthed 'play along' to her and she decided to join in.

Rias: "well, of course. He eventually fell asleep between my breasts though."

Issei was absolutely livid at this point. I could see the steam coming out of his ears and it almost got me to laugh.

Y/n: "maybe next time we could take it a bit further? Whaddya say, Rias?"

Rias: "I'm fine with it, though you might need some headphones, Issei. I'm not exactly comfortable with eavesdroppers."

Issei was about to comment but Rias and I had finished our breakfast and we were heading off to school.

Y/n: "better hurry up, otherwise you'll be late!"

I closed the door behind us and we started off to school. After about thirty steps however, we broke down laughing.

Y/n: "he totally fuckin' bought it! This is awesome!"

Rias: "I knew that he was gullible, but come on!"

Y/n: "what'd I tell ya?"

We both laughed and continued down the road to the school, hand in hand.

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