My Husband Is Gay <33>

Start from the beginning

“I was one of the people who stood there watching, because I don’t know what to do. What I know is all I can just watching the horror thing happened. When the fireman finally got there, everything is too late. The fire already eaten everything in my house. What they can do is only made the fire didn’t burn the neighbor house.”

Dragging my chair so that I can sit down next to him, I bring my hand to his big one and put his hand in the middle on mine and give a little squeeze to let him know I’m still here for him.

“That day, I end up slept at my neighbor house. The neighbor that I always plays with. I was always spend time at her house too, but that day, thing is different because it was the day after I watched how my little sister got burn by fire. After week, another heart breaker new I got.”

“I just know that my family, my Aunt and Uncle, and my grandma, neither of them want to take the custody to take care of me. To brought me to their family. I end up in an orphan house, far away from the place that I grew up, and that was the last day I see Joanne, my neighbor best friend.”

“Despite that how her twin sister doesn’t like me, she always there for me. When I had a nightmare, the dream of how my little sister came to me, Joanne will be the one who will sneak into my room, to sleep with me. As she said, so that the nightmare wouldn’t there to disturb me when she was there.”

That how Pete know Joanne? And Joanne has a twin sister? But why the old Joanne sound like a sweet little girl and not like a female dog like how she is right now. The Joanne that I know now, even for not a long time, is not a sweet girl at all. In fact she looked more like a fake one.

“When I entered the orphan house, which also how I end up from one house to another. I don’t know what gotten into me, but I always create a trouble at each house that I stayed. Until when I was eleven. I end up at the orphan house at east of this town and went to the school at the place.”

“That when I meet Chris and for the first time, I feel like I want to stopped making or creating a problem and just want to stay here. More like I want to do that because of Chris. The fat kid that I felt the need to protect. When I see him, I see my little brother in him.”

“The little brother that I didn’t get the chance to see growing up.”

Little brother? Isn’t that Pete just mentioned that he had little sister? How many siblings does Pete have?

“Six.” Pete suddenly said while looking at me. “Include me, it will be seven.”

“I didn’t say it out loud, right?” I asked him back, referred to when I asking my own self about his sibling.

“You did say it out loud. I had three older brothers, one older sister, one younger sister and one younger brother. Our age not that far away from each other too. I was eight when that happened. The older one was fifteen, the second is fourteen, the third one is ten, then my older sister is nine, my younger sister is five and the last one, my younger brother is only one years old.”

Pete said then turned too looked at me and gives me a small smile, in which I return it back and give him another squeeze on his hand. His hand that still in my hand.

“It’s big family, right? Just imagine how chaos it will be when it time to eat? Or when it time to go to school?” Pete laugh a little before continue again. “It was like the four of us, the older five will always get the chance to make thing go upside down before head to school.”

“But mom, instead of getting mad at us, she will only laugh at the mess we made. She often told us, why bothered to get mad when she can tortured us when we got back from school to clean all the messed we create. And that what we do first thing when we got back from school. Clean the messed that we created.”

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