Such a Softer Sin Chapter 8

Start from the beginning

They opted to walk to the church since it wasn't too far and when they got there she stood outside. She could feel the panic bubbling up in her chest as she stared at the church, she was willing her feet to move but they wouldn't. She'd been dealing with things alright the past few days. Only crying a handful of times when it hit her like a tonne of bricks. The boys had been there every step of the way. Their boss gave them a few days off to help her out and Aileen had told her to stay off for the rest of the week, she'd even brought over some casseroles for the trio. Lila couldn't imagine how different things would have been if she hadn't met the twins, having to go through this alone. She probably would have jumped off a damn bridge, as dramatic as it sounded. She wouldn't have been able to cope with this grief alone. She was broken out from her depressing thoughts by hands taking each of her own. She looked up to see the boys each holding a hand and looking at her sympathetically.

Suddenly her mother was walking down the steps of the church to greet them, she had seen the boys comforting her, holding her hands as she tried to gather herself and Mary had smiled to herself. When the boys noticed Lilas mother coming over, they dropped her hands quickly as if they feared the woman would smite them on sight.

"Ready sweetheart?" Mary asked softly. Lila nodded although her face told a different story. But she didn't have a choice, they'd be starting the service soon and she would kick herself later if she missed it. She took a shaky breath as the four of them walked in.

She sat between the boys on a pew and her mother sat to Connors left. The service was beautiful, they read sermons and some people got up to talk about the man everybody loved. She cried a fair few times but the boys were always on hand to help her. A tissue when she needed it, a reassuring squeeze of her hand. At one point Connor had even wrapped an arm around Lilas mother when she broke down and the older woman was grateful for the men. Before long the whole thing was over and Lila was in need of a fucking drink. It was hard to say goodbye to her granda, for it to feel so final. But she knew he wouldn't want her to just mope around, like her mother had told her. She needed to be strong for him, to honour his memory and to keep on living her life. She was just glad she had the twins by her side as she did it.

They were having a wake for the man at one of his friends houses but Lila decided not to go, she'd had too much for one day, she just wanted to go to McGinty's with the boys and drink, try to have a laugh. After saying goodbye to her mother, the three of them walked over to McGintys, the boys taking their ties off on the way and stuffing them in their pants pockets. Everyone in the bar knew about Lilas grandfather and when they got there, she got a lot of condolences and sympathy pats to the back. She was grateful. The little place was quickly becoming a safe space for her, it felt like home and she appreciated everyone there.

Rocco was already there and despite only meeting the man once, when he saw her, he grabbed her into a big bear hug that made her smile. She really liked him, he was like a big cuddly bear that made everyone laugh. The four of them sat in the booth, Murphy sitting to her right with Connor opposite her and Rocco opposite Murphy. Aileen had bought them a round of drinks saying they were on her, giving Lila a quick hug before she left. A few hours went by, Lila had been mostly quiet, letting the boys tell stories to cheer her up and Rocco's joined in, always the funny man. They hadn't had to pay for a single drink since the patrons of the bar were buying them rounds. Lila was never one for getting drunk, but she felt like today called for it. Connors leg kept brushing against her own and if her brain wasn't soaked with alcohol she would have blushed and wondered why it kept happening, she hadn't even registered Murphy's arm wrapped around her waist or how his hand rested on her hip, his thumb rubbing circles every so often.

She was more than a little tipsy, as were the boys as they all laughed at the story Connor was telling about a 14 year old Murphy. The twins had opened the first few buttons of their shirts at this point, their sleeves rolled up a little and Murphy's hair was more unruly than usual somehow.

"- and so Murphy here decided t'was a grand idea te raid Ma's whiskey stash and drank more than a half a bottle te himself. The poor wee babe was sick as a dog and threw up everywhere. Ma rained holy hell on him, and he tried te fuckin' tell her I made him do it!" Connor looked downright offended like he was reliving it, his hands gesturing wildly as he told the story.

"Aye but she didnae fuckin' believe me since ye could never do no wrong!" Murphy huffed next to her, his accent stronger since he was drunk, making her snort at his indignant scowl at his brother. Rocco was laughing his ass off next to Connor.

"That's because I was an angel, not like you, ye fuckin' devil." Connor cackled. Lila hid her laugh behind her hand as she glanced to Murphy who took another shot, squinting at his twin.

"Are you sure you're Irish man? Sure keep lettin' the side down." Rocco teased with a wide grin, making Connor actually fall out of the booth with laughter at Murphy's thoroughly offended face. It caused all of them to roar with laughter as Connor tried to get himself up and failed.

"Serves ye fuckin' right ye eejit!" Murphy howled with laughter.

"Oh it's alright, don't all get up te help at once!" Connor snorted, giving up and just laying there. Lila was laughing so hard she had tears in her eyes as she slid out of the booth. She grabbed Connor arm and tried to lift him but he was a dead weight.

"Maybe we should just drag him home by his feet." She sniggered as she swayed where she stood and looked at Murphy. They all dissolved into fits of laughter again. They were all wasted.

"Ah, fuckin' hell m'girl, we need te get home before we all pass out." Murphy chuckled as he got out of the booth, followed by Rocco.

"Up ye get deartháir (brother)." Murphy snorted as he and Rocco hauled Connor up to his feet. He was fine once he was upright, only staggering a little.

After some great drunk hugs from Rocco, the trio set off back home. Murphy had his arm wrapped around her waist and Connor had his around her shoulder. They were singing obnoxiously some Irish songs as Lila laughed. The three of them swaying and staggering as they went. She felt a warmth spread through her body and it wasn't just from the copious amounts of alcohol she had consumed. The boys made her so fucking happy, even on a day like this. They were completely piss drunk and when they got inside, they all shed their clothing without even realising it. The twins just in their boxers and Lila just in her panties and bra. They all collapsed in a tangle of limbs in Connors bed, Lila in the middle of them both. The last thing she registered was Murphy nuzzling the side of her face.

"Je t'aime, notre douce fille (Love you, our sweet girl)." He purred softly. She thought it was French, it sounded like it, but she had no idea, she didn't speak French.

"Dormi bene, bella ragazza, ti amo (Sleep well beautiful girl, love you)." Connor muttered softly as he kissed her cheek, in Italian maybe? She didn't have a chance to respond, not that it would have mattered anyway. They were all out within seconds, completely passed out, it was a good job Murphy got them to go home when they did.

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