"And I have a right to pick up my screwup son" 

"He's not a screwup" Yoongi growled. 

"Tsk" the man clicked, "I know he's here. I'm hosting tonight and I need the little rat at home. Move aside, lank" The man argued, disregarding Yoongi with no mere consideration of his words or the anger behind them. Namjoon made no attempt to move, however, and Taehyung's father became increasingly enraged, spewed on by the alcohol running through his veins. He took a step closer to the taller male, fumbling in his steps a bit. 

"Don't annoy me Namjoon. He's coming with me" The intoxicated man shoved Namjoon, finishing his hidden threat with earnest. Namjoon glanced behind him. 

Hidden from the sight of Taehyung's father swaying the doorway, the other three occupants in the room were witness to the overwhelming fear and helplessness swimming in his iris'. Namjoon didn't know what to do, and his emotions were beginning to get the best of him. 

Hoseok nodded slowly, flashing the number 4 on one hand behind his right thigh before switching to a 1. 

4: Hosting; new bruises would be none beneficial if Taehyung had to wait on his father's poker friends

1: Level of Intoxication; his father wouldn't last any more than about 3 hours before he passed out from alcohol consumption

It was a simple code they'd developed over the years in the times each male had encountered the darkness in Taehyung's life; a way for them to assess the situation non-vocally and determine the best way to handle it in Taehyung's favor. Hoseok, being incredibly skilled in reading people was always the first choice in the matter. Hoseok double majored in both sociology and psychology and had specifically researched the effects of alcohol on a human being as well as the levels of intoxicated aggression for Taehyung's sake, becoming a master in reading his father very quickly. Whatever the brunette ruled using their system went. 

Namjoon signed, his shoulders slumping as he turned back to face the man. Taehyung's father met his defeated gaze with one of pointed annoyance and expectance. 

Namjoon nodded slowly, already feeling the nip of guilt gnawing at his insides and clouding his thoughts. He walked slowly towards the back room, Taehyung's father lumbering behind him, stumbling every few feet. The blonde was suddenly overcome with a sense of dread. 

He'd forgot about Jungkook. 

Namjoon wrung his hands together nervously trying to find a way out of this situation, yet coming up blank. The door to his station loomed up much faster than he would of pleased, and the male had come up point blank on the prospect of getting Jungkook out. 

His fist rapping against the door felt foreign and distant to his ears and his breathing was coming out in small shudders. 

"Taehyung." He murmured against the doorframe, praying the youngest male would hear him, his voice conveying every ounce of disappointment, shame, and guilt he felt in that moment through the wood. He choked on his next words, having to take a second in order to utter such a phrase. 

"Your father's here" 


The two were still locked in one another's embrace. Foreheads braced against each other as Taehyung nuzzled his nose with Jungkook's, both giggling. 

Jungkook tucked a piece of stray hair behind Taehyung's ear, his hand remaining on his cheek and his other still splayed across Taehyung's abdomen, by request, as, and he quotes "made the ouchies go away" 

Tattoo Boy ||  j.jk + k.th ✓Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu