This situation is shit. We're going to choke to death in this smoke if I don't get him out of here now. Fuck! I'll be expelled if I burn down the boy's locker room! Fuck! I have to get Kirishima to Recovery Girl. Fuck!

"What the HELL is going on in here?!"
A familiar voice bellowed from above him, and his eyes met desperately with the burning crimson of his sensei.

"Aizawa, Help." Was all he uttered, his grip tightening on the unconscious boy in his lap.

[End Of Violence]


Kirishima slowly pryed open his eyes. His head felt heavy on his pillow as though it were a kettlebell, and yet his mind was as muddled as though it were stuffed with cotton.

The red head groaned, his eyes finally adjusting to the dim lighting of his surroundings. His entire body felt numb and his mind eventually processed, recognizing the lime green walls of UA's nurses office.

Turning his head to the side, he all at once realized he was not alone. Beside his bed and wrapped in bandages, was a familiar ash blonde who sent his heart into stutters. He was resting with his eyes closed and his chin tucked into his chest, his breathing slow and calm.


His voice came out harsh, his vocal chords chipping and grinding painfully in a low rumble. He wet his chapped lips, struggling to sit up. Bakugo had alerted at the sound of his name, turning immediately to face Kirishima.

"Oi, shitty hair lay down." His voice was stern, but had no venom in it.

Kirishima huffed, laying back on the bed with a soft thwump. "What even happened, man? Last thing I remember I was... was..." Kirishima swallowed a heavy lump in his throat.

I couldn't even defend myself... I was pathetic... again.

"I killed them." Bakugo's voice was deadly calm, quiet even. That in itself was utterly terrifying to Kirishima. He turned his head to the side again, taking in the blonde. He was gazing at him with an even intensity, his eyes soft, yet fiercely protective.

Kirishima gaped at him a moment.
"Killed?" His voice squeaked hesitantly. He knew Bakugo loved to throw that word around, but with that look in his eyes, he really wasn't sure,

Bakugo muttered softly, "Of course not, idiot, they're in the other infirmary."

Kirishima felt a slight jittery feeling come over him, and he chuckled nervously, "You did that... for me?" His voice came out meek and unsure, and he instantly regretted opening his mouth.

God I feel so weak. What is wrong with me?

"Tch, Of course dumbass. And if anyone else touches you I'll make sure there won't be anything left of them."

His voice was soft, and his eyes regarded him with a tenderness that looked entirely foreign on his normally angry features. He spoke his next words quieter, his eyes lowering "I never lose... and I'm not going to lose you... I.. I love you, Eijiro."

Kirishima felt his face heat up. Now he really was flustered.

"K-Katsuki, I- I never expected something like that from you!"

Bakugo's face was flushed pink, and he grunted back at him louder, "Yeah?! Well it's true." His body slumped over, and he turned his face away in what Kirishima assumed was embarrassment.

"I love you too." Kirishima smiled, moving his hand up to touch Bakugo's cheek.

Bakugo leaned into his touch, facing him once more, the corner of his mouth ticked up in a smile. His eyes seemed clearer, happy even. Kirishima smiled back, but let his hand drop to the side of his bed, a grimace of pain reflecting on his rugged features. He looked down at his arms, they were wrapped in bandages, and Kirishima became aware of a dull ache that was becoming stronger over the numbness he had felt earlier.

It hurts just lifting my arm up.

There was a beat of silence before Eijiro opened his mouth again. Uncomfortable words pushing their way past his lips, unfiltered. Perhaps because of the pain he was in, or maybe just his exhaustion. But more likely, it was because of the past events that were still so fresh in his mind.

"I don't think... I don't think I'm strong enough to be a hero."

Bakugo's eyes lit up again, a snarl curling his lip as a sharp "HAH?!" erupted from him, causing Kirishima to flinch.


"Well... it's just... I haven't been able to defend myself at all. I just feel so... so weak. If I can't defend myself, how am I supposed to defend someone else? I'm just not strong enough."

Kirishima was surprised by the warmth that glazed his cheeks, fresh tears sliding down and dripping off his chin.

"You're not the weak one." Bakugo's voice was so low that if Kirishima hadn't been lying right next to him, he wouldn't have heard him at all. "All these situations... they're all my fault."

Kirishima opened his mouth to protest, but was cut off by Bakugo raising a hand, his eyes glued to the floor.

"Those kids went after you because of the video... right?"

Kirishima felt a pang in his heart as he nodded slowly.

"Then this isn't on you at all. This is my failure for not listening to you and rushing into that fight with St Valentine. I hurt you... I hurt you because I was reckless. So... So this is my fault, not yours Eijiro."

"Katsuki... please don't blame yourself, I-"

"I wasn't done..." Bakugo took a deep breath, "We're a team, Ei, and... we'll get through this together. I made this mess, and I'll get us the hell out of it. You're the strongest guy I know, and... and you're going to be a great hero."

Kirishima made a small noise, even more tears pooling from his eyes.

Bakugo leaned closer to him, his own deep red eyes brimmed with exhaustion. It seemed to have taken a lot of him just to say what he needed to say.

"So don't let a couple of extras get to you." Bakugo huffed, taking Kirishima's face between his palms and softly pressing their lips together. Kirishima closed his eyes, relaxing into Bakugo's embrace, only pulling away when the sound of soft cackling laughter came from behind them.

"Isn't that my job?"

Hey there everyone! I know I promised this update a bit ago, but here it is!! I hope everyone is having a good pride month! I can't wait to read some of your comments! Let me know what you think! ❤️~TAK

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