New Years

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Dempsey and Tatum had had a couple of weeks off with each other and Oakley.  It had been exactly what they needed.  They had each had time to decompress from their stressful semesters and spend time watching Oakley grow.  He was now about 8 months old.  He was crawling all over the place and much to Dempsey's pleasure his first word was dada.  They were still working on mama.  

Tatum had been feeling under the weather for the last week.  She could hardly keep anything down.  She hated that she was missing the quality family time that they needed before school was to start back up.  Dempsey had taken Oakley out for the day to let Tatum get some more rest.

Tatum called Sophie and Elyse and asked them to come over.  When they showed up Tatum was sitting in the living room holding a little white stick.  Sophie said, "Oh Tate.  Are you?"

Tatum told them, "I don't know.  I couldn't get myself to look.  I've been feeling just like I did when I was pregnant with Oakley."

Elyse took her hand and said, "You aren't going to know until you look."

Tatum turned it over and the little pink plus sign was looking back at her.  She was going to be a mom to two under two.  Heck, it was probably going to be closer to two under one and a half.  She cried, "He's going to leave me.  I can't believe I let this happen."

Sophie told her, "It isn't great timing, but it is going to be fine.  You just need a doctor's appointment and then you can start figuring things out.  It's all going to work out.  D loves you.  He loves Oak.  He's going to love the new baby."

"We can't afford Oakley, muchless a new baby."

"But things have been better since you started working.  I know it's been busier, but it will be fine."

"I'm supposed to be starting college in the fall.  How will I do that now?"

"You can still take online classes.  You know that I will be over here to help every free moment I have.  I love my little O and I'm going to love his little sibling just as much.  You are just getting an early start at your family."

Elyse told her, "And you know that I'm obsessed with your kid.  I will help any way that I can."

"Thank you so much.  I really appreciate it.  I'm just worried that Dempsey isn't going to take it well."

"He's going to be surprised, but you are surprised, too.  That is understandable.  You will find a way to make it work.  I've not seen a boy look at anyone the way that he looks at you.  He is such a hands on dad.  He'll be the same way with the new baby."

"I'm going to look into online classes.  That way I can work more, as long as mom and dad will keep watching Oak and the new baby, I guess.  We are definitely going to need two incomes."

Sophie told her, "See.  You are already starting to figure some things out.  We are all going to be here for you.  We already know you make adorable babies.  It's not going to be any different with this one."

"Thank you for coming over and talking me down.  I appreciate it."

"That is what friends and sisters are for.  I can't wait to get my hands on this new baby.  Here's hoping we get a girl to dress up this time."

Tatum smiled and said, "D needs a daddy's girl."

"That would be perfect.  Now, you go call and make an appointment.  You don't go back to school until Wednesday.  You can get an appointment before that."

"I'll go call about that now, then do you guys want to watch a movie until Dempsey, Scott and Oak get back."  The two agreed.

Tatum was sitting on the couch biting her nails when Dempsey came in with Oakley.  He said, "Look buddy.  Mommy is up.  She must be feeling better.  Want to go give her some loves?"

Tatum took him in her arms and kissed his head, "Hey sweet boy.  Were you good for daddy?  I missed you."

"He was perfect.  We swung on the swings and went down the slide.  Oh, Tate.  If you could have heard him cackle as he went down the slide.  It was adorable!"

Tatum smiled.  "That's great.  I'm glad the two of you had such a good day."

"Are you okay?  Can I get you anything?  You're still looking a little pale."

"I'm alright.  There is something I need to show you though."


Tatum held out the pregnancy test.  She said, "I think I found the reason behind the never ending sickness."

"A baby?  Another baby..."

"Yeah.  I made a doctor's appointment for tomorrow.  Sophie and Elyse are planning on watching Oakley for us.  You don't have to go if you don't want to.  I don't care to go by myself."

"Of course I am going to be there!  I'm not going to miss anything.  Everything is going to be fine, babe."

"We hardly see each other as it is now.  What are we going to do when there are two babies to take care of.  Oak is going to be just over a year old when this baby is born.  I can't believe I let this happen."

"We will find a way to make it work.  I'm going to find a different job away from my dad.  You just got the job at the bookstore.  That is helping a lot.  We can go back to the clinic the next town over again to help with smaller doctor bills.  You just don't need to stress about it.  Yes we definitely didn't plan for this to happen, but there is a reason for it.  We're married.  We have a place to live.  It will all work out the way it is supposed to."

"Thank you."

"You have nothing to thank me for.  We are on this ride together.  Two babies under two.  If anyone we can handle it, we can.  I'll drop out of college."

"No!  You can't drop out!"

"Tate, as much as I love school and want to keep going, my family needs me to be able to work more hours.  Especially if I have to quit working for my dad."

Tatum sighed.  "I've got the bookstore job.  I'll take online classes this fall and I will be able to work more.  You have to keep taking classes now while you can.  Teaching is a little more flexible when it comes to classes.  You have to stay on track to get into Med school.  We are not going to keep you from that."

"You know I will do anything I need to do to take care of my family."

"We want to take care of you, too.  I want you to keep going to school.  I'm going to take online classes and we will re-evaluate after the baby gets here."

"I think that sounds like a great plan.  Now lets all go sit on the couch and not worry about any of this yet.  We still have time before we have to be making a lot of decisions.  Just remember that I love you and I am here for it all."

"I love you, too."  The three of them sat in their happy little family bubble.

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