20 - Saving Allison

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Can we just stop and talk about the softest thing?
David Castañeda was asked what he would do in a real life apocalypse situation and he said he'd go and smoke a joint with his dad.
Idk he's just too adorable

Y/N's P.O.V.

I laid on Klaus' floor, sending Diego another text. I was definitely getting worried now.

"Has he answered yet?" Klaus asked, playing with his wool and knitting needles.

"Nope." I sighed, dropping my phone onto my stomach. The door burst open and Five came in.

"Get up, both of you. We're going." He announced, pulling in his blazer. I groaned, sitting up.

"Where?" I asked.

"To save the world." Five said as if it was the most simple thing.

"Oh, is that all? Great." Klaus sat up and pulled his socks on.

"What Pogo said got me thinking. I had to jump to the future to figure out when it happened, but Dad, he can't time travel. So how'd the crazy bastard actually know to kill himself a week before the end of the world?" Five questioned.

"Well..." I began.

"Don't answer. That was purely rhetorical." Five sassed.
"Truth is, our whole lives he's been telling us we'd save the world from an impending apocalypse."

"Yeah, but I always thought he just said that to scare us into doing the dishes." Klaus mumbled and I snorted.

"So did I, but what if the old man really knew it was going to happen?" Five suggested.

"Knew how?" I asked and Five sighed.

"No idea. But his plan worked. We all came home. Since we're here we might as well save the world." Klaus looked at me and I shrugged. We followed Five out of the room and Diego suddenly ran into his.

"Where the Hell Have you been? I've called you like 50 times." I glared at him.

"Jail." He said and I sighed.

"You know what? I'm not even surprised anymore." I muttered and Five snorted.

"Long story. Where's Luther?" He asked.

"Haven't seen him since breakfast. You know that meeting you missed where Y/N punched him hard enough to knock him over?" Klaus grinned.

"Really? Nice." Diego gave me a half smile. He lifted my chin and looked at my bruises.
"Who'd you fight?"

"Luther threw me across the room before running off to get high. That's nothing compared to the bruising on my ribs and leg." I said dismissively.

"He did what?!" Five and Diego yelled in unison.

"He also almost crushed Klaus' throat and drank half the liquor in this place, but that was yesterday." They both looked at Klaus and I in disbelief.

"Shit." Diego muttered, before kissing my head.
"I'll kill him later. Right now, Allison is in danger."


Five leaned on me slightly as he limped into the bar that we found Luther in. The boy seemed to barely leave my side since I told him and Diego what happened yesterday.
Diego and Klaus were only a few steps ahead of us.

"Leave me alone." Luther mumbled, drinking his beer.

"Give us a minute." Diego said, sitting down and I pulled both boys away.

"Maybe they'll brood each other to death." Klaus joked and I rolled my eyes. They talked for a few minutes and suddenly Luther jumped up.

"Jesus Christ!" He yelled as he ran out. I barely dragged Five out of his way as he ran to the door.
It wasn't long before we were all in the car driving towards Harold Jenkins' place.
Diego sat between Luther an I whilst Five drove and Klaus sat in shotgun.
"Hey. Can you go any faster?" Luther asked, leaning forward.

"Ask me again and I'll give Y/N the cigarette lighter to burn you." Five replied instantly and Diego wrapped his arm around me.

"You okay?" I asked in a murmur so only Diego could hear.
He didn't reply, he only kissed my head and the rest of the drive was in silence.
As soon as we arrived it was like a race to get inside, but none of us expected what was waiting.

"Allison! No!" Luther dropped to his knees beside her. Klaus tried to help, but collapsed against the couch. Diego took my hand and squeezed it lightly, both of us knowing there was nothing we could do. Five looked down at Allison then at me with hurt in his eyes and I put my hand on his shoulder.

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