5- Five Hargreeves

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Y/N's P.O.V.

Diego was laid on the couch in the library and I was reading whilst sipping on some expensive-looking whiskey. There was no one else in the room and Diego pulled out one of his knives, looking at it carefully.
An energetic beat to a familiar song caught my attention and I closed the book I was reading. Diego looked at me with a small smile. He glanced up at the bull's head, before throwing the knife into it. I finished my drink, enjoying the warmth as the liquid slipped down my throat.
Diego got up and walked over to the doors, sliding them shut.

"You're an idiot." I laughed as he danced his way over to me. I pushed myself up from the chair and danced with him, causing us both to laugh. Diego spun me around and I grinned as he started dancing in the weirdest ways. Diego tripped over his own feet and we both fell onto the couch, giving him the opportunity to peck my lips. I rolled my eyes and he got up, taking my hand.

"You're enjoying this, don't lie." Diego grinned and I nodded my head.
We both continued to dance like little kids, until loud thunder rumbled as the lights went out and the music stopped. We froze, the only movement being Diego moving closer to me protectively. I moved away from him, heading out into the courtyard.

"Y/N, wait!" Diego gelled as I pushed the doors open.
"Oh." Diego grabbed my wrist and everyone else came outside to see the great big blue... whatever the hell it was.

"What is it?" Vanya yelled.

"I don't know." Allison said, panicked.
"Don't get too close."

"Yeah, no shit!" I shouted at the same time as Diego and if this was a different situation, I would have laughed.

"It looks like some kind of temporal anomaly, that or a miniature black hole." Luther said and I rolled my eyes.

"There's a pretty big difference there, genius!" Diego snapped.

"Out of the way!" Klaus pushed passed us all and threw a fire extinguisher into the glowing area of blue and I grabbed his coat, pulling him back.

"What was that going to do?!" I glared at Klaus.

"I don't know! Do you have a better idea?!" He whined and I rolled my eyes. It started to crack and Diego pulled me back.

"Woah, woah! Everyone get behind me!" Luther ordered and if it wasn't for the pleading look in Diego's eyes, I would have probably ignored him. There was no way Luther could protect us from this. He was big, but not big enough to shield us all.

"Get behind us!" Diego yelled, as if he read my mind. I put my hand on his shoulder and he glanced back at me.

"I vote for running! Come on!" Klaus yelled and I could see what looked like an old man, appearing in the vortex. The old man flashed to a young boy and realisation hit me. I pushed past Diego and Luther, running forward as the blue faded with the thunder.

"Y/N!" Diego yelled and I jumped forward, grabbing the falling boy before he could hit the ground. The weather cleared and I took deep breaths, groaning slightly.

"Does anyone else see little Number Five, or is that just me?" Klaus asked as the boy boy up. They had all walked over to me and Five. The kid helped me up and I winced slightly.
Five looked at us all, then down at himself.

"Shit!" Everyone looked a little taken back and I tried not to limp as I went over to Diego.

"Inside. Now." Luther said and they all went inside except Five, Diego and I. Five just disappeared and Diego looked at me worriedly.

"You alright?" He asked and I gave him a small forced smile.

"I'll be fine. I think I twisted my ankle. It's nothing serious."
Without any warning, Diego picked me up and I hissed at the pain in my ankle

"Sorry." He said lowly and I knew it was pointless arguing with him, so I sighed and let him take me inside.

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