19 - The morning after

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Y/N's P.O.V.

"Wakey wakey!" Klaus called, followed by the irritating sound of a bell. I sat up and looked around Diego's old room in confusion, before I let out a sigh. I looked down at what I was wearing and shrugged, too lazy to get changed as I opened the door and headed down to the kitchen. It's not like I was wearing the same clothes as yesterday. I had just 'borrowed' one of Diego's shirts and a pair of boxers that I had found in his room.

"Klaus, you better have a good reason to have woke me up this early." I warned, already finding Luther and Five sat at the table. When I saw Luther it was if I saw red as I moved towards his slouched form and punched him hard enough to knock him out of his chair.
"You bastard!"

"Y/N! Y/N, calm down!" Klaus wrapped his arms around me and pulled me back, before making me sit down at the table.

"What the Hell did he do?" Five asked in an amused tone.
"Y/N? What happened to you?" Five suddenly suspiciously and I sent Luther a short glare. I had a dark bruise on my cheekbone, from when Luther pushed me yesterday and a split lip from one of the goons last night.

"What didn't he do?" I scoffed, crossing my arms over my chest as Klaus passed me some {favourite drink}. Five took Luther's coffee straight out of his hands and took a drink, before pulling a face.

"Christ, who do I have to kill to get a decent cup of coffee?" He muttered and I snorted.

"Can we just get started?" Luther mumbled.

"Has anyone seen any of the others?" Klaus asked.
"Diego? Allison? No?"

"Diego wasn't answering his phone last night, so I guess he's still busy hunting down Jenkins." I shrugged.

"Alright well," Klaus banged his spoon against the table, making Luther flinch. I smirked slightly and turned my attention back to Klaus.
"Listen up. There's no easy way to say this, so I'm just gonna spit it out. Yeah."

"Klaus, you sure this is a good idea?" I asked and Five gave me a weird look.

"I conjured dad last night." Klaus said quickly and I sighed.

"I thought you said you haven't been able to conjure anyone in years?" Luther asked and, honest to god, I almost punched him again.

"Ah, Yes, I know, but I'm sober. Ta-da!" Klaus said in a cheery voice.
"I got clean, yesterday. I wanted to talk to someone special." Dave. I fixing even think that was why.
"Then ended up having this whole conversation with dear old Daddy himself."

"Has anyone got some aspirin?" Luther asked.

"Top shelf, next to the crackers." Five said dismissively and I looked at them in disbelief. I slammed my hand down on the table and glared at them.

"Listen to him. He's not making this shit up." I snapped and Luther scoffed.

"Y/N, how many times do I have to tell you that you're not even wanted here? You're not a part o this family." Luther growled.

"I'm *this* close to knocking your dumbass out." I said, standing up.

"Ha, you can tell you're Diego's fiancée." Five said with a shit eating grin.

"Hey, Hey, Hey! This is important alright? I'm being serious, I swear." Klaus interrupted and I dropped back down into my seat, glaring daggers at Luther.

"Alright, I'll play. What did the old man have to say?" Five sighed.

"Well, he gave me the usual lecture about my appearance and failures in life. Yada yada yada. No surprise there. Even the afterlife couldn't soften a hardass like Dad, right? But he did mention something about his murder, or lack of, because... he killed himself." Klaus said and I could practically hear Ben's sigh.

"I don't have time for your games, Klaus." Luther said, standing up.

"I'm telling you the truth, Luther." Klaus almost begged and I almost smiled when I noticed Five's curious expression.

"Why'd he do it then?" The boy asked.

"He said it was the only way to bring you all back." I filled in and Klaus nodded.
Five and Luther started to talk about Hargreeves being depressed, whereas I finished my drink and stood up.

"I'm gonna get a shower and get dressed. If Diego comes back tell him to come and find me." I said to Klaus, leaving the kitchen.
"Hey Pogo." I muttered, walking past the ape.

Diego x Reader - DareΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα