4- The Death of Reginald Hargreeves

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I'm actually really enjoying writing this story....
It's kinda a long ass chapter

Y/N's P.O.V.

I cheered with the rest of the crowd as Diego continued to win the fight, knocking the guy completely out.
The referee declared the match over and Diego climbed out of the ring, coming over and smirking at me.

"I didn't expect you to come." He said lowly and the crowd began to disperse as I walked with my fake-boyfriend of 5 years into the backroom.

"Maybe I came to watch you get your ass kicked. I'm not just your long term booty call." I winked and he rolled his eyes.

"Actually, I was going to ask if you would like to watch the season finale of Game of Thrones with me? I haven't watched it yet and we can order pizza." He said and I dropped down onto the bed.

"Fine, but you have to get a shower first. You stink." I said and he smirked at me.

"Sure thing, Princess." He said and disappeared into the bathroom.
I sat up and turned on the TV.
My relationship with Diego was complicated. One minute we could act like best friends, like we used to, then the next minute we're flirting and acting like horny teenagers.
This is exactly the reason I didn't want a relationship.
My emotions were all over the place when it came to Diego and it hurt, but at the same time it was amazing.
"Hey, Y/N, sweetheart are you okay?" Diego asked.

"What?" I asked in confusion. He was kneeled down in front of me, hair wet and messy. He was only wearing a pair of sweatpants and there was a worried look on his face.

"I shouted you like 5 times. You okay?" I nodded my head and gave him a tight smile.

"Sorry, I kind of zoned out." He stood up and gave me a hesitant smile.
"I'm probably just overly tired."

"Right, well, I'll order take out and you get some rest."


I woke up, feeling cold and uncomfortable. I sat up, looking around the room and seeing a very warm and comfortable looking Diego, hogging all the blankets to himself. Rolling my eyes, I was about to turn off the TV when the news headline caught my attention.

'Eccentric Billionaire, Sir Reginald Hargreeves is dead'

"Dee," I kicked the sleeping man and he groaned.
"Diego, wake up." I hissed and he sat up, glaring at me.

"What?" He muttered sleepily and I had to admit it was cute.
I pointed at the TV and he looked at it with a squint, before his eyes widened.

"Yeah," I rubbed my eyes and got out of bed.
"Do you want to go down to the Academy, or...?" I looked at the clock, seeing it was almost 7AM.

"Not yet." I nodded my head.
"I need the coroner's report and some time to get ready for everyone coming over."

"I'll get the report. You... do whatever." I said, opening his closet and pulling out my spare suit.
I wasn't a vigilante, like Diego, but I did occasionally help him out and have my own suits.

"Thanks." He mumbled and I quickly got changed, not caring I was in the same room as him.

"Diego, I haven't got my mask. Can I borrow one of yours?" He groaned.
"I mean, unless you want me to get caught and arrested?"
He threw his mask towards me and I smirked a little.

"You won't get caught." He mumbled tiredly and the large black radio crackled.

"We have a hostage situation..."

"You get that. I'll get the report." I said, heading towards the door.


"You okay?" I asked Diego as we stood outside of the Academy.

"Fine, I just didn't really plan on coming back here anytime soon." He said and I sighed.

"Diego, I know you. I know you hated your father, but I also know that a part of you respected him. Maybe even loved him." He scoffed.
"Look, all I'm saying is don't do anything stupid. You'll let your hurt turn into anger and you'll do something you regret."

"I won't, okay?" Diego said and I nodded my head.
"Let's just go in, get this over with." We walked inside and I immediately saw Allison and Vanya talking.
"What is she doing here? You don't belong here, not after what you did." Diego said, hurting up the stairs.

"You really dressed for the occasion." Allison shouted after him.

"At least we're wearing black!" He yelled back and I pulled my coat tighter around myself. I didn't really get a chance to change after I got back to Diego's place. Thankfully, I had decided to wear a coat long enough for me to hide my suit.

"Y/N, I didn't really expect you to come." Allison said and I felt awkward.

"I was kinda with Diego when he found out. He asked me to come with him, it I can leave if you want me to?" I said awkwardly.

"It is kind of just a family thing-"

"No, it's fine. If Diego wants you here, it's probably because he trusts you. If anyone shouldn't be here, it's me." Vanya said and I sighed, shaking my head.

"Just get Diego to call me?" I asked as I moved towards the door.
The whole situation reminded me of something that had happened when I was 9.

~ F L A S H B A C K ~

"Are you excited, Y/N?" The blonde 12 year old, Lizzie, asked. She was supposed to be my adopted sister, but I hated this family. They all would act nice and friendly in front of guests, but then completely ignore me when everyone left.

"A little." I mumbled, pulling on the uncomfortable dress.

"I am! I can't believe auntie Jessie is getting married!" Lizzie squealed.

"Calm down, Lizzie. I have to fix your hair." My adopted mother's friend, Jane, laughed.
"Y/N, sweetheart your hair is perfect. You look amazing."

"Thank you." I mumbled and we all continued to get ready for the wedding.

"Hey, Y/N, can I talk to you for a second?" Jane asked once Lizzie left.
"Is everything okay? I haven't seen you smile once and you look uncomfortable around Lizzie and everyone else. I know they can be a little harsh, but-"

"It's fine." I said quietly, seeing my adopted mother's glare from the doorway.

"Jane, babe, can you go and help my sister with her hair?" She asked with a fake grin.
Jane left and she came over to me.
"Get upstairs and get changed. You're not going to the wedding."

"W-What?" I asked in confusion. I hadn't done anything wrong.

"You heard me, brat. The wedding is a family occasion and you're not a part of this family." She spat harshly.
"You look a mess anyway, no one would even want you there. In fact, tomorrow I'm taking you back to the orphanage."

~ E N D ~

My ringing phone snapped me out of my trance-like state and somehow I'd made it to my favourite place in the city. It was a small cliff that made it easy to look over the whole city.
I pulled out my phone, just as it stopped ringing, seeing 2 missed calls from Diego. I sighed, calling him back.

"Hey." I mumbled into the phone.

"Hey? Where are you Y/N? Allison said you left?" Diego asked quickly.

"She didn't want me there. I wasn't welcome. It's a family thing, Diego."

"Don't give me that Bullshit. You're my best friend, Klaus thinks of you as a sister. You better get your ass back here or I'm coming to get you." I smiled a little.

"Fine, but only for Klaus." I joked and he chuckled.

"Sure thing, sweetheart. Hurry up." He hung up and I smiled to myself, putting my phone away and getting on my bike.

Diego x Reader - DareTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang