1- The Umbrella Academy

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Y/N's P.O.V.

I first met the Hargreeves kids when I was 12 years old. I was a troubled kid.
My parents dropped me off at an orphanage when I was barely 6 months old, but because of my feisty and curios personality, I learned that no one was willing to adopt me. The reasoning was simple. I was just an argumentative, closed off kid.
If my real parents didn't want me, why would a random couple from a random city?
I used to sneak out a lot, going for late night walks and returning before the sun came up.

"The usual?" Whatever waitress was working would ask me as I walked in to the donut shop.
I went there almost every night, eating a [favourite donut/cake] and drinking a [favourite milkshake/drink].
I nodded my head and collected my order, before going over to my usual booth.
Except one day, a bunch of kids were sat there, laughing to themselves. I'd seen them before, they were sometimes in here when I was.
I felt violated almost, before sitting in the booth next to it.

"Did you see the way that girl looked at us?" I heard one of them whisper and I pulled out my book, trying to ignore them.

"I told you she'd be pissed if we sat where she usually did." Another voice said.

"Shut- shut up, Luther." A boy stuttered and I caught myself listening into their conversation. I shook my head and concentrated on my book for a solid 5 minutes, before a voice interrupted me.

"Uh, Hey. Can we sit with you? Our siblings are being idiots and you look like you could use a friend or two?" A curly haired brunette asked, a smaller boy stood next to him. They both had shy smiles on their faces and were kinda cute.
"I'm Klaus Hargreeves and this is my brother, Ben."

"I'm Y/N L/N." I mumbled and they sat opposite me.

"Oh, that's a good book." Ben said quietly and I looked at my copy of 'The Hobbit'.

"Y-Yeah. It's my favourite." I said awkwardly.

"Where are you from? I've not seen you around here that often." Klaus said and another boy appeared.

"K-Klaus. Leave the- leave the girl alone." He stuttered and Klaus stuck his tongue out at me.

"It's f-fine." I mumbled, embarrassed that these irritatingly handsome strangers were talking to me.

"This is Diego." Klaus said before leaning forward.
"Don't let his cute exterior fool you. He's bitter and when angry he becomes Satan." He whispered and Diego rolled his eyes.

"I'm Y/N." I said and he gave me a small smile, before sitting next to me.

"So where are you from then?" Klaus asked and I looked down at the book in my hands.

"I live in the orphanage down the road." I noticed Diego kick Klaus and Klaus hissed at him.

"Sorry." Klaus mumbled.
"We're sort of adopted." He said and Ben nudged him.

"No offence, but I kind of guessed." I said and they all laughed a little.

"We're the kids from the Umbrella Academy." A blonde boy said, stood with 3 others. They were all stood at the end of my table and I immediately got a bad feeling about the blonde. I'm felt so uncomfortably small under his gaze.

"Am I supposed to know what that is?" I asked awkwardly and they all looked at me in shock.

"Uh..." The blonde began.
"We should probably go. If dad catches us we're all in trouble."

"Luther-" Klaus began.

"Now." He said and they all sighed.
'Luther' and the others began to lean and Klaus let out a whine.

"I don't want to go. Y/N is so interesting." He mumbled and I felt my cheeks burning.

"Hey, um, you come in here often, r-right?" Diego asked and I nodded my head.

"Almost every night." They all smiled here.

"What about tomorrow? We could meet up and get to know each other better." Ben suggested and I nodded my head.
That's how I met my 3 best friends.
We would sneak out whenever we could and meet up, I learned all about the Umbrella Academy. The boys told me all about missions and their powers. I began to open up to them and I trusted them more than I trusted myself. I helped them through Five's disappearance and Klaus' drug issue, Diego's stuttering and Ben's anxiety. They were my closest friends.

~5 years later~

"Y/N, you have visitors." The owner of the orphanage told me and my bedroom door opened, revealing a shaken looking Diego and Klaus.

"Diego. Jesus, look at you." I helped them sit down on my bed.
"Klaus, what happened to you both?"

"Ben." Klaus said shakily and my eyes widened.

"What happened? Where is he? Is he okay?" I asked quickly and there were tears in both of their eyes.
Klaus suddenly pointed at the wall and I knew what he was implying, but I refused to accept it.

"The mission, we- we screwed up." Diego whispered and I shook my head, my vision blurring with tears.

"No. Don't- he's not." I said and sat in between them.

"He-he's blaming himself." Klaus said, still looking at, what I presumed to be, the ghost of Ben.
"He said he's sorry and he's gonna miss hanging out with us." Klaus sobbed.
That day we all broke down.
I wished I had known that would be the last time I spoke to my boys in almost 10 years.

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