We head back inside holding hands. He lets go as we enter the house and I feel dirty hiding this from my brothers. I've never hidden anything of importance to them. I'm just scared of how they'll react. I just want it to go smoothly. I need a girl to talk to. Lucy!

Cole is walking ahead of me so I pull him aside.

"Can I tell Lucy? You can tell Will, I think we both need advice," I say.

Cole laughs, "alright, let's go wake the lovebirds."

I loop my arm through his and we march off towards Lucy and Will's room.

The hallway is deserted so Cole asks in a quiet voice, "so how long before I can take you on a proper date?"

"As soon as my brothers know," I say.

"Got it," Cole nods his head and raps his knuckles on Will's door.

The door swings open and I see Will's disheveled morning face. He still looks good but not as good as his brother.

"Hello," I greet politely, "is Luce there?"

"Babe, Ara's asking for you and she's acting all weird," Will says, scanning my face.

"I'm not acting weird," I say defensively, I turn to Cole, "am I acting weird."

Cole grins, "you always act weird."

I shrug, "Welp. It is what it is."

Lucy comes to the door, breathless, with a broad smile, "Ara!"

"I need to talk to you," I grab her hand and pull her away, "later boys."

I guide her down the hall without looking back.

"Whoa, easy tiger, what's going on." Lucy says, slowing down. I look around the hallway but still feel like someone's watching.

"Not here," I grab her arm and we fly down to my room, "here."

I shove her into the room and enter behind her. I lean against the door and take a deep breath.

"What is going on with you!" She exclaims, "Will was right you are acting weird."

I decide to stare at her in response, let her figure it out on her own.

"What?" she asks, "I'm not telepathic, I mean the only thing I can imagine you acting this crazy for is..."

Lucy's eyes widen, "no!"

I grin and nod my head.

"Really?" she asks.

"Yeah," I confirm.

"You and Cole?" she exclaims.

I smile and look at the ground before responding with a quiet, drawn out, "yeeeeahh."

"Tell me everything," she gushes and sits down on the edge of my bed. I push off the door and walk over beside her.

I tell her everything and as the story progresses she gets more and more excited.

"I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!" she exclaims.

"But -" I start and Lucy frowns and cuts me off.

"No buts, Ara, you and Cole are-" she starts but I cut her off this time.

"BUT my brothers," I rush out. Lucy's face pales.

"Shit." she says.

"Yeah," I agree. We sit in silence and I let her mind whirl away.

"Okay, I got it. Go to Jason. He's happy and in a relationship and is the most likely to be okay with it. Then he can help you win the rest of them over," Lucy says. I nod my head.

"This could work! I think it'll be ok. Carter might be difficult, but I think the others will fall in line," I think out loud.

"Go," she shoes me away, "the faster you talk to Jason, the faster you get to be free with Cole.

I automatically stand up and head for the door, "you're the best. Love you girl!"

Lucy laughs," love you too, go!"

I twirl out of the room and bounce down the hall to Jason's room.

I pull out my phone and text Cole.

I have an idea. Do you trust me?

I continue down the hall several feet before my phone buzzes.

Absolutely, babe.

I smile and respond back, good. See you on the other side.

Soooooo here's another chapter! I don't know how I feel about it but let me know what you think ?!

Unedited, written on my phone so it's probs wonky and most importantly.... Thanks for reading!!!!

Lots of love!

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