21 - Perpetual house guest

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"I noticed."

"Those cookies were damn good. You should make some for Adam. He'll probably buy you a big fat diamond they're that good."

"You know we're not really serious. I feel like my dating Adam annoys you."

Ryan thought, yeah because he's a two-timing louse, but instead, he shrugged. "Thanks to you, he's a perpetual house guest. Don't forget to change lover boy's sheets."

He was certain he saw the pink creep into her cheeks. As he turned and went back to work, he heard her curse. "Bastard."

He laughed. "My father might disagree."

The pool was full again. Ryan didn't rush to finish work knowing the kids would soon clear out. When he finally stepped onto the deck, it surprised him to see Lana back in her tube. Will was the only teen and he waved to Ryan.

"Hey!" Will called to him. "Are we going to the beach?"

Ryan smiled. "Yeah, after I take a swim."

Ryan dove under and swam the perimeter. He was challenging himself to see how far he could swim underwater. He emerged for air after circling one and a half times. He alternated swimming and walking around the circle as the tube continued to spin in the middle.

Lana didn't speak to him which he assumed was because of their exchanged earlier. He wasn't in the mood to push her buttons even though he had learned it was damn easy. Truthfully the pink in her checks was worth the repercussions.

The sun was low by the time he left the beach. Ryan was afraid his arm would hurt from throwing the ball. Will told him he could still throw bullets, but Ryan wasn't so sure. The kid could run and catch. They had an audience for a while as the kid and the girl, Cassie sat themselves on the sand and watched. Eventually, Sam showed up and it reminded Ryan of his high school years as he left the youngsters on the beach.

Listening to the kid complain about her curfew, Ryan smiled. Jack remembered those years too because he wasn't letting her say out too late. Will was quick to join the complaints, which left Ryan wondering about Lana's teen years, too.

Friday night, Ryan was relieved Adam was not arriving until the following afternoon. He didn't ask what was keeping him in Boston - it wasn't his business. He grabbed a lobster roll for dinner as he was returning from The Landing, he heard a voice calling to him.

Megan was sitting on her porch with another woman. He stopped because he was attempting to be friendly. She introduced him to Kristi who lived across the street. As she pointed out her house, he looked over and saw Peter on that porch with Dan, who he met at poker.

"What is this, a middle school dance?"

Megan laughed. "We're practicing for poker night next week."

"Right." Ryan liked his first poker night. "Shouldn't I bring something?"

Megan replied, "Your money!"

Kristi smiled. "The husbands want you to bring drinks for us girls."

"Really?" he wasn't sure what to make of her, but went along, "Girl drinks. Sweet?" She nodded. "Frozen or unfrozen?"

"Frozen, of course." Kristi laughed.

"I can do that. Just don't yell at me when you're hungover on Saturday morning."

"We promise." Kristi smiled. "I didn't believe it was possible, but I think you are more gorgeous than Jack."

Ryan laughed nervously and turned to Megan. "What's in her cup?"

"Just some wine, but this is Kristi. She's like this sober."

"Good to know."

He walked away feeling sorry for her husband.


Adam and Amanda were sharing Thai takeout at his condo. They were on the cusp of another weekend and Adam felt the need to enjoy Amanda before she left him to party with her friends. Jealousy crept in when he thought of young hard bodies swarming around a bikini-clad Amanda. During the week she was his, but on the weekend, she was a free agent.

"Will you miss me?" He nibbled on her ear. "Or will you be too busy with young, hot..."

"You're hot!" She brushed her hand down his semi-arousal.

He groaned. "I crave you like a drug."

"Because I'm irresistible." She was a tease. She leaned in and captured his bottom lip between her teeth.

Tongue dancing he wanted to possess her. He found her neck and set to the task of marking her. He wanted to brand her, so she would take the reminder of him with her. Later on his bed, he didn't know if her intent was the same, but he felt her nails digging into his back as he drove into her.

She made no attempt to get up and leave as he held her. He wanted her to stay. "Should I set an early alarm so you can go change before work?"

"I took the day off. We're heading down early some friends are having a party." She looked at him intently. "What are you going to do all weekend? Play video games in your boxers?"

He laughed. "I'm gonna go hang out with Jack, my partner. He has a new baby and his wife likes to feed me and..."

"Sounds domestic. Is that what older people do?"

He heard the teasing tone in her voice. He tickled her as a way to let her know he didn't appreciate her comment. Eventually, she screamed. "Uncle, uncle!"

Adam was completely content and happy at that moment and as he drifted to sleep with Amanda in his arms.

Thirty-six hours later he crossed the causeway with another woman on his mind. Unfortunately, he wouldn't see her until she finished her work.

He was surprised to find Ryan in the pool with a tall kid about Rory's age. They were tossing a football back and forth.

"Hey QB watcha doing later?" The kid was talking to Ryan.

"Probably mooching dinner off my mother."

"Aren't you too old for that?"

Ryan laughed and turned toward Adam. "Hey dude, do you know Adam?" The kid shook his head. "He's your sister's boyfriend. Adam meet Will."

It confused Adam until he remembered Lana's story of her mother being pregnant when she was in middle school. What surprised him was Ryan and Will were tight. Making friends with a teenager didn't seem like Ryan's thing.

"Hey! You're an old dude too."

Adam smiled. "Thanks a lot."

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