But this time I'm not going to ask him anymore questions or stress about anything that he doing on this vacation because my doctor told me not to stress so much because I'm  pregnant once again and I don't if it's twins or not.

My doctor told me that i got pregnant to fast and which she is right because my twins is only 7months and I'm almost 3 months pregnant but it is what it because God is blessing John and I with a nice size family.

I want to wait after or during the wedding to tell him cause if I tell him now he going to get over protect like the twins.

So,we both sat at the table and ate and once we was done I laid down and went to sleep.



John text letting me know that he want me to fly to New Orleans to meet up with him and my other brother Joe. So, I could help keep his temper under control.

John always been a hot head around most family members because they act like ass holes.

I agree to come along because if I don't want John to end up in jail because he done shot someone.

Packing up my things. My beautiful wife help me. I wish she didn't have to work this weekend I would love for her to come but she loves her job.

She drove me to the airport. Before I got out the car we kissed each other goodbye and told her that I will call her the first thing when I land.

I closed the car door and watched her drive away. I made my way in the building and on my way to my home town.


"Daddddyyyy, whatcha doing?" My son asked me while I was watching TV.

"Nothing, son just watching some TV."I told him.

Jr.: "Daddy,I missed mommy,why did she have to leave us." He said as the tears started building up in his eyes.

I pick him up and sat him on my lap. Seeing my son like this was the hardest thing I ever but even harder to tell my 4year old  son that his mother is dead but sooner or later I will have to tell him what happened when the he older but for now I just  told him that his mother left and never coming back.

He asked for Brandy and I told him that she was on vacation and that when  she comes back that he can go visit her.

Jr. love her so much that some time he wish that she was his mommy he tell me some times.

I wipe his face and put the cartoon on for him.

I text Brandy to call so that Jr. could talk to her because he missed her.

A couple minutes later she called and talked to Jr. til he fell asleep. I thank her and hung up the phone. I'm so happy that me and her could remain friends after all that I put her through.

Picked up Jr. and bought him to his room and tucked him into bed. I called my mom to see if she was okay and went check on my daughter, which she was sounds asleep as well.

The whole house was quiet and peaceful. I pulled out my laptop and started looking for a house in Texas.

I have a month to look, which will come and go by fast.



When I wake up from my nap. I walked around looking for John and again he was going. I made my to the kitchen grab me something to eat because once again I was hungry.

When I walked into the kitchen, I saw a box with my name on it big as day with a letter on it.

I opened the letter and it's said:

"Be ready and downstairs for 10p.m. you're ride will be waiting for you. "

I opened the box and pulled out a beautiful purple dress and some heels to match,along with jewelry.

Looking at the time it was 7:00 p.m. . I got up picked up my phone and texted John "Thank you" for the gift after I seen that Travis texted me to call because his son Jr. which is heart to call him because he missed me.

I hopped in the shower and got ready as I was told and when I was finished I called Travis to check up on Jr.

Jr. and I talked about everything and I promise him that we will go on an outing when I get home.

When I got off the phone it was 9:30p.m. I checked myself in the mirror to make sure everything was perfect.

I grab everything that I needed and went downstairs. Once I got downstairs people in the lobby was just staring at me.

People in lobby: " Omg,look at her dress."

"She beautiful." Another person said as I passed by on my way to John.

As I was walking to meet John by the car I see people taking pictures of me.

"John, what is all of this?" I said and John just smiling at and opened the door so that I could get in.

He followed behind me. "I got someone special for you to meet." He told me

Now, he got me thinking now but I promise myself not to question him about anything while on vacation.

So, I started questioning myself but then again. I just sit back and drink my red wine.

We rode around New Orleans and saw different stuff that I didn't  see before.

Til we stop at this huge plantation house,which is beautiful. My eyes was wide as I looked at the house. I turn around and John was the car and already walking to the house.

Then, I show two people come outside and hug him. He must be kin to them or know them or something and I seen Chris and some other dude who favor Chris but younger and hug him as well.

John made it back my way and opened the door.

"Brandy,baby." He said as he grabbed my hands   and help me out of the car. We both walked up to the group of people. They all looked at us and they smiled.

"Hello, Ms.Brandy it's finally nice to meet you." The older lady said I looked at John and he smiled and held my hands.

"Brandy,baby this is my mother and my father."John said to me. I smiled at both of them and shook them hands.

"It's nice to meet you too." I said to them both.

"Son,she is beautiful." John's father said.

"So, are yall ready to go eat." John said.

John and I held hands and walked on the side of his parents.

"So, John, how long you and Ms.Brandy where talking?" His father asked him.

John answer "about 3 years."

They asked about the twins and when we was going to bring them to visit.

John's mother kept looking at me which made me a little bit more nervous.

"Baby,are you okay." John asked me.

Yes,I fine. I just need to go the rest stop." I said but I was feeling sick and weak but didn't want John to know that I'm pregnant again.

They stop at this nice restaurant and we got to our table. I asked the waiter where the was. I got up and went to the restroom.

My face over the toilet throwing up. I think I should tell him but I'm wait.

"Sweetie are you okay?" I heard John's mother asked. Trying my best not to sound weak and sick.

"Yes, ma'am. I'm fine. I'll be out in a second." I answer back as I came out the stall.

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