Chapter 6

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After we where done I take a shower and wash myself off he came and join me in the the shower as well he picked me up and we went round 2. I was getting sleepy and can't go again but he still wanted me. I really don't know were he get all this energy from but as soon as we stop making live I couldn't barely walk it been so long then he pick me up and put me to bed and he went to go see if his son was still asleep. Travis came in the room where I was a pulled me closer to him and both to sleep we when.


Man when I walked in Brandy's room I saw her crying and I kinda knew what she was crying about. Sometimes I wish she was the mother of my son. Jr. was sleeping so I put him in the guest bed and I made my way back to Brandy. I felt bad for bringing my son by I didn't want him to stay with him mom. So I did what I know was best and comfort her because I know being my son here was a mistake in my book and by her seeing him hit her hard. Know when me and her was together she always wanted kids with me but I wasn't ready for children and then turn around and got the her friend pregnant. I started kissing Brandy like old time. She told me stop but I couldn't. I hate seeing her cry cause seeing her cry was my weakness but make love to was like heaven. It felt like I was trying to put a baby in her cause that how good she felt.

After we finished we showed then I put her to bed when checked on my son and he was still asleep which was good, so I went back in the room into bed with Brandy we all cuddle like teenager watching TV and kissing her until we both went to sleep.


I got up to do my normal routine like aways and while doing that I started thinking about what happened last night. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME?" Did I do what I think we did questions running all though my head. Travis walked in the bathroom than kissed me on my cheeks. I know what I did was wrong but it felt so right. Stay focused on you. You know damn well that was a one night stand and that shouldn't happen again I was telling  myself that even Wendy and Travis did what they did to me does give me the right to do the to her at the moment I  felt so horrible doing that to her I'm not that of person.

Brandy: "Travis we need to talk."

Travis: "What wrong sweetie?"

Brandy: "This... I mean everything we did last night was wrong on so many levels."

Travis: "Yea I it was wrong but I missed you. Even tho i fucked up on the past i still wanted you back in my life."

Brandy: "Trav I can't you got a family now I'm not about to become a homewrecker. You know my parents didn't raise me that way."

Travis: "Brandy!!! Now you waite a second I know I fucked up but make love to you wasn't a mistake and you know that. Shit its hurt like hell when I found out Wendy was pregnant with my son but the worst part was telling you because I didn't want to lose you."

Brandy: " You and I will always be friends nothing more and nothing  less. But friends don't have sex like that."

Travis: "Yea, you right I'm leave you alone but just  remember I made a mistake and you will always be my girl."

Travis grabbed his things and so  then left. I knew Travis still love me but I not going to play second and be okay with it and I'm still be second to him no matter what he said. He tell me he love me but I don't know what he telling her. She think her relationship is perfect already and be damn if I messed that up of anybody because karma is real. I put on my clothes for work until I  heard my phone beep. Look  at my phone it was a text from Wendy:


Wendy: 😁 Hey,girl what you doing around 12 today

Brandy: I'm be on my lunch break so wht up

Wendy: Ohh good I need your help planning Travis party and you got good tastes in things that he like

Brandy: Okay, where to meet up at.

Wendy: Send you the info later gtg he walking in now.

Oh great this day is the worst day of my life and my day haven't even begun yet.


It been a minute since I  hung out with Brandy so invite her to help my with Travis party. Them 2 was always close but as for me I have to put a stop to that shit. Ms.Goody to shoes get anything and everything she want and I was getting sick of it. I was the only female friend she have. I only used her to do my home and bail me out of trouble when my parents asked me where I was going I'll tell them Brandy's house and called to let her now what was up. The day is told me she have a crush on Travis was the day I know that I could get him just because I don't wanted to be happy. I want her to be miserable.

One night I was at Travis's brother party partying up drinking and smoking the best weed they have to offer. Dancing to Body Party by Ciara. As I moved my body to the beat of the music I seen Travis looking as ever I knew him and Brandy have a thing but I don't give two fucked about her. So I made my way across the room where he was I noticed he was drinking so I give some more and more until he was over his limit. I pulled him close and started grinding my ass all his manhood I felt how hard he got though his pants. Then we made our way up to his room. I started kissing him and then pulled down his pants and started going down on him while looking in his eyes. Seeing  his eyes rolling in the back of his head. He stop me and then pick me up and put me I have bed. While we fucking like wild animals he started to  called me Brandy which made mad as fuck but I decided to play the roll as Brandy and told him that I wanted a baby he took of the condom and  when back in me and kept going til nutted all in me.

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