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Sitting on the sofa in tears because I really love John. I didn't mean to hurt him. He was right, I should have stay in place and let apologize but I didn't.

Pick up the phone  and called my mom.

My mom pick up the phone. "Hey,baby girl what wrong." She asked "Mom can I spend the night at your house mom." I said in my weak voice.

"Brandy, what going on? What did you do?" She said and she continued "Never mind your father and I is on the way to talk to you." She said and hung up.

"So, can we talk?" John said walking up behind me and wrapping his around me and kissing me on the cheek.

"I told your mom to come and talk to the both for us before you called her." He said as we both made our way to the livingroom.

"John,baby I'm sorry about everything." I said he looked up at me. "Brandy,baby, you got to understand where I'm coming from. How would you like it if I go to one of my exs house behind your back just to chill or what the case maybe and not tell you huh. What would you do huh tell me." He said.

"I don't know what I would do really."I said with my head down. He picked up my head and wiped the tears from my face.

"Listen, baby, I love you and we can't keep secrets from each other.We got to honest with each other. I don't care how much it hurt as long that I know we good. You the haven't been hurt before in a relationship. But as a couple we need to heal as one before we get married." He said as he grabbed my hands.

We walked up stairs and went in the twins room. I grabbed J.J and he Lizzie. We both changed and feed them.

We took them down stairs with us into family room and watched t.v  until my parents came.

Monica(Brandy's mom):

Busy getting everything straight at home until I got a phone call from John. John always call to check on us to make sure we were all right.

But when he call this time he didn't sound like himself and I know something was wrong. He sounds like he been crying. I love my child with all my heart but if you wrong your wrong and I wasn't taking sides.

John ask me to come get the twins so that him and Brandy could have some alone time work things out before she loss someone good.

"Honey, what wrong with Brandy and John." My husband said giving me that look, if anyone hurt my baby girl they dead look.

"Nothing wrong we need to go our there to get the twins so they can work out there problems as couples should and beside we can't keep protecting Brandy from everything and this time she is in this on her own and as her parents we going to do our part and get the babies." I explain to him because we both we don't play behind our kids.

I knew John since he was little and he a really good man. Brandy and him look perfect together.

We grabbed our things and headed out the door to the car. As we make our way to John and Brandy place.


Heard a knock at the door. I got up and opened it Brandy's parents was here to get the babies. Brandy's mom hug me and shake Brandy's dad hand.

Brandy's dad walked to Brandy and they disappeared to another room. "Did you two fixed the problem." Monica ask standing in front me.

"I don't know but I told her how I felt about the situation." I said but didn't tell her what I did to her earlier today.

"How long you want us to keep my grandbabies." She said with a big smile.

"Well a week I'm taking Brandy somewhere special and we come back. I'm send you and my father in law somewhere special for helping us." I told her and flash a smile back at her.

Brandy and her dad came back to the livingroom and popped on a movie on.

"John, may I told to you for a second son." Brandy's dad said as we both got up and when to another room in the house.

"Son, I want to tell you that I'm proud of you and I want to thank you for taking care of my princess." He said.

"Your welcome, sir." I replied to him.

"Don't call me sir, call me dad." He said.

We grabbed a beer,snacks and wine for the ladies and went back to join them in the livingroom.


Sit down chill with one of Brandy's friend from Florida Lisa after Brandy left the house to go back to John.

I don't get it, I was soooo close into to making her mine again but I see John is the better man for her.

Damn,Lisa is fine. "Sooo, Lisa how long you down for." I asked her.

"I'm down for just the weekend and I have to go back to Florida so I could go back work and my kids." She said.

"Kids with a s?" I said looking at her.

"Yes,kids, I have 4 kids. 2 boys and 2 girls. Is that a problem for you or something." She with an attitude while she rolled her eyes.

"No, ma'am not a problem at all." I said

She looked at me and then said "If you thinking that you getting ass tonight your sadly mistakes because I none of them hoes just to warn you." She said with this evil on her face.

"Okay,so what I do for it." I said getting close to her.

"W.O.R.K!" She said and push me to the side and left out the door.

I shook my head in disbelief because she came to my house with a nice ass outfit on and I did all my best move, so get me and she spelled work. What the hell that supposed to mean. But what it is I was sure about to find out.

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