Chapter 8

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Coming outside and locking my door to the house to turn around to see John sexy self dressed like a good nigga. His man sure come dress going to the car and smiled at each other. John give me a hug before getting in the backseat of the car. Ohwee he smell soooo dannmmm good. As he smiled at me showing his pretty white .

John: "Hello beautiful."

Brandy: "Heyy handsome."

John: "Lady first."

He was a gentleman to open the door for me as I entered the car and he found behind me. Then we pulled off.

Brandy: "so John is you dont main me asking you where we going tonight I know you told me we have a date on Saturday. "

John: "Yea I know I said that but I decided to have a pre date and I need help finding something to wear for Saturday and I can tell that you a taste in fashion lol."

Brandy: " What funny?"

John: " You lol."

Brandy: " What you mean me?"

John: "Aww look up who getting upset because im about her fashion style."

Brandy: " Fyi I get my fashion taste from my mom and make sure anything is good."

John: " Mmm I see your mom teach you well.

As John looked at me as he bit his lips riding around until we at something the look like and airplane. The car seat and we got out. He walk over to the driver and told him something then give the driver a tip and the driver left. Looking at the private plane it was huge then a lady and man came off the plane and told us to broad the plane cause we was leaving in a few to Paris,France. My mouth drop I never have been to Paris in my life. I feel like the most lucky person in the world. I know this trip would definitely get my mind off of all the drama I have and bord the plane.

While on I say to Paris I looked out the window looking though the clouds it seem peaceful flying though the clouds and seeing the birds as I was daydreaming John came over to me and hand me a glass of champagne one the of the best.

John: "Are you having a good."

Brandy: " Yes I'm. Why you taking me to Paris to go shopping."

John: "Because, I like you and your mother always talk about you alot while she at work and told me that you was planning to go to Paris after your graduation but instead you help your dad take care of your grandparents. So I decided to take you myself."

Brandy: "John that sweet of you to do that of me and I really like you too. I had been thought alot but enough about me so tell me about yourself. "

John: " Well I was born and raised in Mississippi. My mother was a single parent to me and my brothers and my sisters. My mom worked hard to prove for us I the youngest in the family and the most successful in my family as you can see. My mother made sure we all stayed in school especially me. I was as a hot head but stay focused on what I got to do. But the funny thing is i have a nephew and my age to and he always stays in trouble with this girl always going to jail because he fighting on her. One night she almost lost her baby because he snapped at her then chocked her. Behind some other girl but to shorten it up I did what I have to for my mom and you remain so much of her."

Brandy: " Wow my mom always teach me never judge a book by it cover and I never know you was raised by a single parent. Your mother must be a strong lady and see raised a man that how everything going for himself."

John:" Yea becoming a lawyer was the best thing that ever happened to me."

Brandy: " Why is that?"

John: "Because I could help people who need justice it alot of people getting away with things the shouldn't have."

The pilot announced that we may it to Paris,France and I ran to the window like a big kid going to Disney Land. I was smiling from ear to ear as looked at beautiful statues and architect building taking pictures also well the site from the plane where beautiful then we got closer to the Eiffel Tower my eyes lit up even more then every. All the stuff about Travis and Wendy went over my head shit they can have each other it my Mr. Right found me. John came behind me and wrapped his muscular arm around me as we look at the scenery together then he whispered into my ear.

John: "I see your in love with Paris already. Wait and what I got in store for you this evening.

Owwww I can't wait to see what he got for me I know I'm his girl but we're both single and just living life. I felt like a princess getting swept off my feet by my prince charming. He did everything he wasn't let me touch a doorknob. He may sure he open every door for me. He also told me that his mother raised his to be a gentleman to his girl even if their together or not. So glad his mother raised him respect or have respect for women.
As we land at the airport his assistant came and grabbed our bags and put it in the trunk as we in the car. Riding around Paris taking pictures of everything in sight I didn't pay mind to John on the phone make sure everything at his office was A1 well he was out of town. Can't wait to get to the hotel I'm tried and I have very long day today at work. Dose of to sleep John shake me and told me that we was almost closed to the hotel. I rest my head on his shoulder and nap a lil bit.

2 minutes later we was at the hotel John gave seen how tired I was so he pick up and walked me in the hotel lobby people was staring at us like we a married couple and set me down on the couch while he go confirm his reservation and then his turn to me to let me know that he was done with the lady at the check in box. As for the elevator and he told the little France man to take us to the 5th floor in France ohwee John sounds so damn good when he talk in a different language which made me crossed my legs than he looked back and laughed when he seen my face reaction when he caught me off guard.

Brandy: " What so funny?"

John: "you? You should have seen your face when I was speaking France dont really know what you was thinking lol but it looked to that I made someone wet talking in France."

As embarrassing as it sounds he was right I was wet the elevator stop and John held my hand as we walked out together. We find our room but before we when in John stop me and told me to turn around then blindfold me and told me not to peek I felt his warm soft hands on my body escorting in the room then I heard him say on the count of three remove your blindfold. when heard 3 I removed my blindfold and looked around to see balloons and flowers all over the place and closet fill of clothes and shoes just for me if felt like I die and went to heaven I give John a hug and then kissed him on his soft lips.......

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