Chapter 39

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After the mini wedding ceremony. We want back to the hotel and got ready for the after party. I seen the sadness in her eyes. I know I was wrong for just taking her off like that and just marrying her without having her family with us to celebrate. So, while she was getting ready I made a phone call to my uncle John to see if he could pull some strings for me and get some friends and family to come to Vegas and celebrate with us as newlyweds.

Wendy really looks beautiful without the ugly ass ways and attitude she give people. She blessed me with two children of our own. I what I did was fucked up but she need to be taught a lesson and to everyone surprised my uncle John and all the male was behind me with the plan and everyone she have sex with was clean  and half of them she did already. But my dad was behind everything want to make it real as possible and a little help from his friends and Wendy's parents.

So, he got some of his friends to fake everything including the aids and cancer. She always thinks she better than everyone else. Wendy was always like that but anyway that not the point. I want to have a nice get together when we make it back home.


Its official, we are married. I wish I could have share this moment with the people I love. But, life goes on and plus its just a Wedding and besides I could always have another.

We made it back to the hotel and got dressed in my shiny silver silk party dress that stop above the knees.
My dress fix just right and I looked so damn sexy in it to. I applied some make up on my face and fixes my hair to my liking. Then I put on my heels that match and grabbed my mini purse and going Travis at the door. He was dress nice as always.

We took the elevator  down but before we got down he blinded folded me. I feel myself get in the car. Then, he took the blindfold off and when I looked up I see Brandy and John sitting in the limo across from me holding hands. I looked at Travis and got pissed on the low but I smiled a little. Something tell me to go off and other is telling me to play it cool.


I got dressed and I join Brandy in the  room. When I saw her I was like WOWWWW I can't believe that the woman going to marry in the next few months, but if it was up to me marry her now. She decided to wait until she have her baby and lose her baby fat but to be honest, I really don't care if she fat or not, I want her and that it. I looked at her and licked my lips as I walked behind her slowly. While wrapping my arms around her waist.

I know tonight I'm put her on game about what was really going on with Travis and Wendy. How the family was involved with Travis's plans to teach her a lesson.

See and the reasons why I was on the phone with Nick to watch for Travis is  because I want to make sure everything run as planned and to make sure Travis and Wendy are married. I don't know if he have feelings of Brandy, so I'm testing him to see what up.

He called me and ask me could i get some family and friends to come to Vegas and celebrate with him and his wife. So, I did as he asked and paid for everything including their room. The women flight one of my private jet while the men flight in the other because we have things we have to talk about.

I whispered into Brandy ears and told her that she was beautiful. She started to blush little then smile. I escorted her to the elevator.

Now, in the elevator I could see in her eyes that something is bothering her and I hurt me to see her like that let alone keep my family secret about what going on between Travis doing and why hell I let my old brother and them talk me in to this shit with the teaching Wendy a lesson put by becoming Travis's lawyer but mean while my brother and his plotting shot. I need to come clean with Brandy about everything and I know she going to be in my ass for keeping a secret for him except this long as well but I don't want her to stress to much. I messed up by letting Travis come over that day and I know she questions.

Getting off the elevator I escort her to the limousine then open the the door as always and help her in the limo. Then I follow behind her.

As we got in I grabbed her hands and got her full attention and begin tell her everything that was going on from beginning to end and from detail to detail about everything.

Well she sat there and lived to what I told her. I was surprised that she didn't get mad at all. She give a smirk and then turn her head and looked out the window at the amazing view of the light on the building.

I feel bad, so I fixed me some crown and coke then took it to the head because as I know how the night is going to be I need a drink. Hell, I fixed  Brandy red wine because it more less harmful for the babies and I know she is going to need it to.

Once we stopped by the other hotel a few blocks from our I seen Travis and Wendy outside by Brandy was still quiet and focused at the other building Travis and Wendy got in the limo and when Brandy turn around it and seen them. It felt like hell on earth in the limo. Wendy give a fake ass smile and Brandy had a mean mug on her face. If looks can kill we all be dead.


I felt the limo stopped but I kept looking  at the beautiful and unique building. I really don't pay attention to much John was telling me about what Travis and his family was doing to Wendy and I could really careless. My mine forced is on my babies and John. Besides that not my business anyway but by John being honest make me love him even more.

I turn and Travis and his hoe come in the limo and when my eyes connect with Wendy. My face expressions want from calm to beat the bitch face in. But then again I'm let her be and drink my red wine.

I grabbed John's hand and rest my head on his shoulder and then went back to looking out the window. Because I was the biggest and better person I just pretend that they wasn't in the limousine.

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