Chapter 28

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By the time I made it the jailhouse i made a quick phone call home to she how Brandy is doing her mom answer and told me she was sleeping which is a good thing because I don't want her to worry or stress herself about me. I know she want to help me but I just want her to focus on herself and school and nothing else. I know education is important to her and wouldn't take that opportunity away from her.

Once I got off the phone walked to the front desk to let him and I was Mr.Travis Tank lawyer. They let me in   I followed the security guard to the back to the waiting area.

Sign in at  visitor section then waited for them to bring him up front. With in 10 minutes two guard was walking  him to the front and sat him in front behind a glass window. Travis and I both pick up the phone that they provided so that we can talk.

"Travis listen to me dont say anything to the Detective if they asked you any questions tell them they have to talk to your lawyer and don't get smart either because they can used that against you to now I going to found out if I can get a Bond and found out what happened so we can get your side of what happened. I told him then replied thank you unc. and I turn around and told him this is business and when I'm doing business  I'm not your uncle and your not my nephew. I'm your lawyer and your my client as I got up I told him have a good day and left.


Waiting at home for John to came back my and I was about John and how he just have too much on he plate. Mom I think we should postpone the gender reveal get together I told  my mom why she said because John have alot on his plate and I'm worry he might can't come to find out what we having I really want him to be there and be stress over his job or family I said my mom start baby that man love you we both know  that he not going to put his job before you and the babies and that a fact I have never ever in my life seen a man that care about you besides your father of course love you unconditionally and John love you just like your father love me. Listening to my mom said that I know she was telling the truth about John I he love just as much I love him even more than my first love but my first is not my first love it not the love that John give me I don't need fancy thing to know that the love is real between us.

So mom and I decided to turn the whole house into a resort to help him relax and get his mind off of everything.

Called a meeting in the house for the people who work for him and promised them if they do me this one favors that they be granted holidays off vacation with their families because family is very important to me I also told them not to worry about Mr.Blackman that I will take care of everything and make sure I stay true to my word and to my surprise they all agree with me.

Everyone quickly started working to make sure everything was nice. The cook was cooking John favor meal as I helped the butler wash the dish and set up the table for the 2 of us while mom help the maid fixed the bed and spread rose petals all over the bed I called John's brother and ask him can he get John favor wine and make sure he distracts him from coming house to early then my mom can up with an idea that we should do the gender reveal party today so John want miss anything we'll just surprise him and I thought it was a good idea to do it so I agree to it my mom started calling closes family and friends.

By the time everything is done I when into my to get ready while my mom get the stuff ready for the gender reveal. I got a text from John telling me that he on the way so I ask my mom if they was done everything and she said give us 15 minutes so I text John to pick so icecream and pickles so I can add the juice to my icecream he text back yuck but alright anything for you I be there in 20. I want down stair to see how everything was going  and it look very nice and relaxing and  the backyard area was ready to have some fun I told everyone to the backyard and relax so when John come home he can jump in the shower right quick and be ready for fun and relaxing.


After I was done with Travis I text Brandy to see if she was fine and if she need anything from the store and she text back icecream and pickles that was one of her weird cravings that she have it sound nasty to me and I know 10 time out 10 she going to make me try it when deep down really dont want too but for her I'll do anything I text her yuck but ok I be home in 20.

Arriving at the store and grabbed everything that the Brandy need and also her icecream and pickles I made my way to the register to check and it have this young woman looking at me hard and she started talking to in a flirtatious way and I cut her off and let her know that I'm happily engaged to the love of my life I dont need a female to entertain me but I'm sorry love but you need to chill with that shit and stop putting yourself out there for men could use have some self respect. I said everyone was looking at her she was embarrassed be I didn't care everyone in the store started clipping and one work said it about damn time as I watched her  check me out I give her the money and took my things and left my mom and pops didnt raise me to hurt female.

On my way to the house i was thinking everything that was going through my mind o need another vacation but I know by Brandy being pregnant she can't travel overseas.

As I drove up to home park my car in the garage I took a deep breath in then out and put on my game face so Brandy want read me. Since she got pregnant she since me when something is wrong.

I walked in the house  and the house look like I was at a beach I walked up stairs to asked Brandy what going on she was standing with a smile on her  face she grabbed my hands and with out a word walked me into the bathroom she help me take off my clothes and I got in the tub. She bath me from head to toe as I laid my head back and relax all I can think about is her when the first time me and Brandy met. When she walk through the door at the job my heart drop beautiful the way I had blue and the wind went to Paris was like light the feeling is so deep and I can't wait to walk down the aisle so she can be called Mrs. Blackman.

After she was done bathing me I got out the tub when in the room and change my clothes I didn't notice that have flowers all over the bed I looked at them and said what's this song for she told me not to worry about it and hurry up and get dressed and I did cuz by her being pregnant in the mood swings I didn't want her to be on top of my head alright princess I'm going to be ready what we doing meet me downstairs in the backyard I got something to show quickly hurry up.

As I quickly finished getting dressed I met her downstairs in the backyard and when I look it has some of my family and some of her family and some other friends too as well they had co-workers School members all lined up like it was a Soul Train line I know babe what's going on she didn't say a word all she did was giggle with a goofy self her mom was like since Brandi was worried about you not being able to come to the gender reveal party we brought the gender reveal to you she didn't want you to miss anything because you were so busy and caught up with work I looked at Brandy and ask her is it true she said yes honey it is you was all caught up with work and I want to make something special for you but under one circumstance what is that sweetie well don't get mad at me I told everyone who work with you that work in the house that do you do these while you gone that they going to have holidays off and vacation time with family family is very important to me and 9 would be important to you so everyone let the party begin.

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