"I figured I could use that as an excuse to sneak off campus and onto Kanna Academy. Cam needs help analayizing the data from the other day." Emi looked at her watch. "Our schuldes matched up where we'd both have lunch around the same time. Mrs. Hertz science class is right after lunch. That gives me about an hour and a half before I gotta be back."

"Which means Cam will also be skipping class." I groaned, thinking of what excuse to give the teacher this time. Which reminds me, "How are you gonna explain not being there for lunch?"

Emi smiled, "Wave's got it covered." That's all she said before she dismissed herself to find Cam. Who's probably snuck into my dorm to work on Lyoko stuff.

"We should also get to lunch." Lynn lead the way to the cafetira where food awaited.


Alexei's POV:

"Can't the school spring for cartaing for once?" Kya watched the mush called lunch slowly dip off of her spoon. The grey slop fell onto the tray with a plop. Kya pushed her tray away, disgust written all over her face. "Yeah, I'm not hungrey."

"It's not that bad." Lynn eagerly dug into his food. "A little salt some pepper and-"

"A trip to the infarmy." Kya took Lynn's plate from him. "As your best friend, I can't allow you to eat this. It looks like something my brother made.'

I nearly gagged at that reminder. "Did you have to bring that up?" Disgusted, I pushed my own tray away. "I was sick for a week after eating your brother's cooking." I made air quotes, letting them know I didn't consider that mess edible. "And I use the term 'cooking' very very loosely."

"We tried to warn you." Lynn had to sympathy for me that day. "But you insisted it couldn't be that bad and it'd be bad to waste food." He snorted. "That mess shouldn't even be considered food or edible."

When Kya and Lynn had returned for the new school year, one of Kya's older brothers came with them. He's a senior in his last year of high school. After dropping Kya and Lynn off, he went with some friends to visit a few of the colleges in the area. To Kya's shock, he gifted his little sister and her best friend some food he'd made. Needless to say, Kya and Lynn weren't to thrilled.

"How was I suppose to know? Kya doesn't exactly like me borrowing her things." I looked at the comic she wouldn't let me borrow.

"I don't mind you borrowing my things, after I've had a chance to enjoy them and you don't take them without permission." Kya placed said comic in her bag, out of my reach. "Speaking of permission, when's Cam gonna let us explore Sector Five? It's the only sector we haven't been to. It could provide helpful information."

Lynn nodded, "Espeically for Emi's visions, even through she hasn't had one since we discovered the other three sectors. We should still look into the cause of them, just in case she get them again."

"Don't you think we rely on Cam to much." Cam's the brains of the group and the only one able to work and use the supercomputer. If it weren't for him, I don't know what we would've done. At the same time, I think we've been relying on Cam to much. Thinking back, Cam's been the one to create all the programs we use, direct us on Lyoko, and so much more. On top of that, he has to maintain good grades and stay out of trouble to avoid upsetting his sister. She's made it perfectly clear, she'll pull Cam out of school and force him to move overseas with her. While their parents are busy traveling for work, something they've been doing for years now, Cam's sister is his legal guradian. Even through Kanna Academy is a boarding school, there's no way she'd allow Cam to live on campus as a boarder. If it wasn't for my mom, Cam would've had to move with his sister, when she went overseas to attend college.

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