A New World

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You wake up in the same clothes that you've been wearing since last night, it takes you a few moments to realize where you are. You're in your new messy, ugly, green apartment in the upper east side of Queens, New York. 

Yesterday was the big move from London to Queens, and it was exhausting. You and mom had made it to the apartment, but there wasn't anything in it other than your carry-ons from the plane. 

"Mom," you call out groggily as you rub the sleep from your eyes, she doesn't reply. "Mommmm," you call out louder, there's still no response. "Mom," you scream. 

As you sit up you see her come running into your room with a bath towel on, water dripping from her soaking wet hair. 

"Scarlet, honey, are you okay?" she worriedly asks you. 

Now that you're fully awake, you realize that you've made her get out of the shower for no reason. 

"Agh, sorry. I thought you were still in bed." You reply as you stretch your achy back. 

"Oh, it's alright," she mumbles. "But you should probably start getting dressed, the bus will be here in thirty minutes," she says as she walks back down the hall. 

"Thirty minutes?" you scream, your voice now a high pitched shrill. At minimum it's going to take you an hour to lat least look decent. "Mom you know I can't get ready that quickly, I told you to get me up at six," you whine, hurriedly standing up. "Ugh," you groan as you realize that she's already back in the shower. 

Usually thirty minutes is plenty of time to get ready, but today you really want to dress to impress to make a good impression on your new classmates. You've never been the new girl at school, so you have no idea what to expect. 

Running into the middle of the apartment, you grab your duffel bag and backpack off of the dirty, unswept floor. 

Scrambling back into your room, you throw your curly mess of hair into a bun and tie it with a black scrunchie. You impulsively decide to wear a jean jacket, white shirt, and ripped maroon leggings. It's not the best looking outfit, but it'll work for the time being. 

You almost forget about makeup, but you grab your mascara and brush a few layers your lashes before throwing on your socks and shoes. You then grab your phone, headphones, and backpack and run to the disgusting green front door. 

"Bye mom," you call over your shoulder as you unintentionally slam the door closed and sprint to the bus stop. 

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