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Gon's POV
Lol! I swear his face turned ten shades darker! He's so adorable! How is he not already dating someone? ...He probably is now that I think about it... Doesn't mean we can't be friends! Hopefully I guess!

"Y-y-you B-B-BAKA!!!" He stuttered, making me laugh aloud. "I'm sorry!" I apologized "It was just too easy!" I managed to calm my laughter before I lost my cool and start wheezing.

I..I..I CAN'T. His face was just too priceless! "By the way" I said "Killua Zoldyck, right?" I tried to contain my laughter after putting emphasis on the "Dyck" but it was to no avail since I still ended up laughing so hard I almost lost my balance. He only nodded yes, rolling his eyes before stomping back to his seat, grumbling some words then taking his desk in the back.

I decided to sit by him in order to know him better, but he only looked out the window through the whole class. I actually enjoyed the view. The way his white locks would shift their position every now and then. The way his pale skin would glow underneath the concentration of the sun. The way the light emphasized the cerulean blue in his eyes. It made me feel strange but some what attracted to him. I knew I wasn't gay because I wasn't one to date guys and plus I leaned more to girls. I guess this guy's the type to attract people as friends as well as girls.

I wanted to ask him a bunch of stuff but I could see he was well focused on his work. I didn't want to disturb him so I decided to focus on my work too. It seemed easy enough so I finished quickly and ended up the first person to turn in their work. "Woah..." someone muttered "that kid is smart. No one beats Killua on finishing a worksheet first. Not only that, it doesn't even seem like he struggled. Looks like we got another hot tryhard in our class." At this, I could only hear giggles from the Triple T's and grimaced. On the other side of the classroom, I could hear a pencil snap and turned my head to the sound.

I saw Killua break his pencil, probably due to all the rage he's bottling inside and talk behind his back. This was probably angering him and he probably hates me now. All of my ideals to being his friend are probably crushed. Oh well, this'll wash over soon enough. He's probably not the type to take a grudge lightly though. I went back to my seat, trying to bring myself to the action of lightly tapping Killua to see if he was doing ok.

I gathered up all my courage and began to speak "Hey Killu..." He turned around so fast and interrupted me yelling "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT?!" The whole class plus me were startled and shocked by his remark. The icy glare I was given was filled with hate and something else... I don't know what it was though...It had seem liked all he had felt for me was resentment. This kind of tore a piece of my heart out because never in my life, was I ever truly hated from the bottom of a persons heart.

It gave a devastating blow, one I don't know if I can recover from. Killua seemed like the type to exceed in everything, and be admired by everyone. Of course me being here would shake things up. Especially with my talents in school in mind. I wonder if he thinks I would take his place in a hierarchy like this. I'm sure he considers me as an opponent much more than a friend. Leaving me with no option but to submit to his wish, probably because he has no one else to play with.

"Alright Mr. Cranky Pants" I retorted "I'll stop bothering you...Lol not! How can you be so stupid to take so long on a test as easy as that. And that goes for all of you! You may think I'm a douche but remember, at least I'm not as big a dumb ass as you guys. If you think this kid was a hot shot, then I'm going to be a fucking fire shot. Get on my level you preppy ass brats." After this, Killua scooted out of his seat, and stood up to my level. "You dip-shit." He grumbled "This is my fucking territory. Get your own god damn it."

A smirk crept onto my face. His comment would mean he would be retaliating, signaling that he accepted the challenge without hesitation. This school year's about to be a fun one. Time to switch from kind person to fucking douchebag persona. It's time to take down this so called king off his high horse.

"Your such a fucking douchebag" he teased. "Takes one to know one dumb ass." I retaliated. He smirked at this, telling me he was enjoying our little "roasting" battle. Looks like I'll have to keep this up for a while. He grabbed a paper off his desk and slammed it onto the teachers desk, not taking his eyes off me.

"Young man!" The teacher called out "No cursing in this classroom and apologize for your rude behavior." Killua rolled his eyes and gave the teacher a small glare "Sorry bitch." He stated, walking back to his seat. This made me have no choice but to laugh aloud along with the rest of the class.

You could tell the teacher was mad. Veins were practically bulging out of her head. It was actually really weird, certainly not the prettiest sight. "Killua Zoldyck and Gon Freecss, I want you both sent to the principals office. AS IN NOW!!" Me and Killua just looked at her in disbelief.

It was obvious to tell from our faces. Neither of us have gotten in trouble before. That doesn't mean we weren't going to get in any for talking during a test or cursing in the class room or for killua to call her a bitch now. Although he wasn't in the wrong, she really was being an annoying ass bitch. Always telling us to sit down, like hoe, we got freedom of speech don't we?

I could tell Killua was really triggered. Getting in trouble of the first day back to school probably wasn't his ideal first day. Hell, I can't blame him. This is the first time I've gotten in trouble, it's actually very stupid. I barely did anything, just laugh. It's like if I breathe, the teacher would get mad at me.

Right as Killua was walking down the hall to the principals office, he turned, switching his destination from the office to the bathroom. That's when I pieced it together and came to the realization that killua had the idea of skipping. Not bad, but if they found us, we'd be royally screwed.

Not exactly the ideal hiding spot but anything to get out of this hell hole.

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