"Calm yerself deartháir (brother), can fuckin' feel ye. Settin' me on edge." Connor warned, shooting his twin a look. Being twins was a good thing most of the time and the boys couldn't imagine life any different, it was all they knew. They could often feel each other's emotions when they were close by or if they were intense, and in this situation, they were sat together and Murphy was so fucking incensed, Connor was feeling it like a tonne of bricks. It was making him angry and he was fighting to get the rational part of his brain to take over and realise the anger wasn't actually his own. It could be hard for them sometimes to distinguish what was their own feelings versus the others. Connor was more controlled and it was easier to compartmentalize Murphys feelings away and he used it to his advantage. Since he was effectively the big brother of the two of them, he liked being able to feel Murphy, reading him more than just his body language. Murphy struggled more though, the overemotional twin seemed to feed off his brothers feelings a little too much sometimes and he had a harder time knowing what feelings were really his own. Murphy scoffed and downed his beer, slamming the bottle on the counter. He was itching for a fight now, he wanted someone to cause some shit so he had an excuse to deck someone.

"Outside for a smoke. Now." Connor growled, he needed to take control of this before it got way out of hand. He grabbed his smokes and lighter and Murphy pushed himself off his stool and stormed out.

Lila looked at them curiously, wondering if they were having a fight, completely unaware it was her that was making Murphy like this. She quirked a brow to Connor as he looked over and he held up his smokes to show her they were just going for a smoke. She found it weird since they usually just smoked inside. Connor followed Murphy out and clipped him around the ear with a glare.

"The fuck are ye playin' at Murphy?! Ye remember what we spoke about? She's our friend, ye could at least pretend te be fuckin' happy for her!" He seethed, not wanting Murphy's jealousy to get the best of him and ruin the friendship they had with the lass.

"Oh fuck you and yer fuckin' holier than thou attitude! I'll just pretend te be happy that's she's probably gonna go off and marry some fucker shall I?!" He yelled. Connor squinted at him, unimpressed by his brothers dramatics, he should be used to it by now, yet somehow he wasn't.

"Have ye fuckin' heard yerself brother? Marry him? He's asked her on a fuckin' date! I doubt it would even go well." He chided, making Murphy throw his hands up in the air as he lit his smoke and inhaled, trying to will the nicotine to calm him.

Deep down he knew he was being ridiculous. He had no right acting this way and he knew she wasn't going to go off and marry the fucker. He just couldn't control his emotions. The door opened behind them and when they looked, Lila herself was walking over. Murphy tensed up and looked away, inhaling like his life depended on it. She stood in front of them with her arms crossed and a frown. Connor could practically feel the impending ear bashing they were about to receive. Their Ma had given them that look more times than he could count. Lila may not have been Irish born, but she was Irish by blood and it was never more apparent to Connor than in that moment.

"What the fuck is going on with you two? Are you fighting? Because you're brothers, you should love each other, so hug and fucking make up. That shit won't fly with me." She said firmly, glancing between them both. Murphy would have laughed if it wasn't for everything going on inside of him. How concerned she seemed to be at the thought of them having a serious fight and demanding they make up. He wouldn't look at her and Connor sighed.

"Not fightin' lass, don't worry about it." Connor gave her a small smile, wishing she would just go back inside, he wasn't sure how Murphys feelings were fairing right now.

She furrowed her brow and glanced to the darker haired twin, the one who had refused to meet her eyes all night. She stepped towards him and he tensed more, swallowing thickly as he braved a look at her. She looked so worried and it was like all his anger melted away, feeling bad he had made her feel that way.

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