Koneko: "h-he said that he hates seeing Rias sad."

Everyone went wide-eyed, especially Rias.

Rias: "what did he mean?"

Koneko: "he said that you have a sad expression on your face, even when you smile. He can tell that it's forced."

Rias' eyes widened.

Kiba: "so he wants to cheer her up?"

Koneko: "yeah, that's not why I'm upset though."

Rias: "then why are you upset?"

Koneko: "..."

Kiba: "Koneko?"

Koneko: "because, he looked so defeated. He looked like he had just given up entirely when I scolded him about his training."

Rias looked down to the floor, as did Akeno. Kiba also looked saddened by this.

Koneko: "I think I took it a bit too far."

Rias then pulled me into a hug, which caught me off guard, but I returned it.

Rias: "I'll talk to him next time I get the chance. I'll tell him how I feel and maybe that'll help him."

Koneko: "that's probably best. The reason he fainted was due to hiding his emotions for too long and due to exhaustion."

Rias nodded her head then looked out of the window.


I got home and went straight to bed after Issei explained the situation to mom and dad. When I drifted off, I was met by the owner of the voices again.

Cykran: "you're here, good."

Y/n: "so what is this place?"

Then a female voice spoke up.

???: "this is your mindscape."

Y/n: "and who might you be?"

???: "I am Nerolyth"

Y/n: "cool, I know that I heard three of you so where's the other one?"

???: "Right here, Brother."

Y/n: "Brother?"

Nerolyth: "I apologise for Rexalian, he's a big fan of hulk hogan."

Y/n: "so, don't ask?"

Cykran: "exactly."

Nerolyth: "either way, we are the three shards of trinity. I am the shard of judgement."

Cykran: "I am the shard of Order."

Rexalian: "and I'm the shard of chaos, brother."

Y/n: "I can tell."

Nerolyth: "you really need to stop that!"

Y/n: "so why am I here?"

Cykran: "we just wanted to say hello to our new host. You possess the trinity dragon gear. However it is locked behind the three shards: the black Dragon Emperor; the silver Dragon Emperor; and the golden Dragon Emperor."

Y/n: "I see, so I basically have super powers."

Nerolyth: "not quite, however we will teach you to use your powers. For now however, morning is here and you have a long day ahead of you. Also take the advice of those girls to heart."

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